Will Michael Schumacher kill himself?

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Will Michael Schumacher hurt himself?

Poll ended at 11 Apr 2006, 12:00

I hope not
Total votes: 27

Joined: 19 Nov 2004, 13:47


i think if u like or dislike micheal shumacher or senna.. pls dont let ur emmotions get in a way .. we all can agree that both drivers did play dirty at one stage or another during their career. and pls this gave them character and thats why we love/hate them. i think they are both alike. they just wanted to win at any cost. so if u think ms is dirty and senna is not.. i think its down to SELECTIVE MEMORY

Joined: 06 Jun 2005, 15:29


I remember that Ayrton Senna was very much a driver who was recognised as being more ruthless than the others and prepared to intimidate people with his car. When MS came on the scene it was almost as if Ayrton had let the genie out of the bottle and MS was playing with it; I couldn't help feeling that here was a driver who was quite prepared to up that little game to a new level. I really don't think that MS is more ruthless than Senna, he had cars available to him that offered a bigger safety margin should anything not quite work out. Both drivers have made clumsy muggings that the whole world has seen...........

BUT - Ayrton had "something" about his presence that made you feel he was special..........very special.

Just to make you all feel better, - anyone want to talk about Gilles Villeneuve??? 8) The "greats" weren't all dirty fighters......

Joined: 22 Mar 2006, 10:22


:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Geeeeee, this is a serious topic..... :lol: :lol: :lol:

The only person who tried to kill someone was david could-he-be-a-retard.....when shoie ploughed into the back of him in that rain drenched race (cant remember or be bothered to find the actual year/event).....well atleast according to shoemaker he said couldhebearetard tried to kill him.....LOL.....it was dave's fault shoemaker couldnt see.....

Anyway.....i cant believe people are discussing the death of a person who is alive..... :shock: .....woooopi dooo da if it was jackie who started this....oooooo it was jackieee......whats so special about him...(but a man with a girls name who parades around without underwear).....

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RH1300S wrote:Just to make you all feel better, - anyone want to talk about Gilles Villeneuve??? 8) The "greats" weren't all dirty fighters......
Good point!!! Gilles was a genious, a superb racer, with balls the size of cannonballs, never looked away from a battle, but knew how to always play it fair. He knew where was the thin line between fair play and dirty driving and stayed always behind that line...
He was the best in the end of that era where F1 was so dangerous that gentlemanship was a request to drive race cars. Everyone that didn't play along those lines was just condmning himself and, eventually, someone else to death...
...he was, actually, my first F1 idol... :wink:

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Reading David COULTHARDScomments on the race (Spa 1998, Belgium) DC knew the Ferrari was behind him so he moved off line expecting Michael SCHUMACHER to pass him on the correct dryer line, as is usually done in situations where one driver laps another.

However MS didn't realise that Coulthard knew he was there so tried to overtake him around the outside. Neither driver could see the other, drivers can't see behind his own rear wing very well and Michael couldn't see for spray, so they collected each other.
IMHO a normal racing incident.
Michael lost a wheel and DC was too damaged to continue racing so they limped back to the pits, where Michael rushed into the Mclaren garage, punched DC in the head (Stupid seeing as DC still had his helmet on) and accused him of trying to murder him.
Later Michael calmed down and suggested David was only trying to help Mika win the championship (which he eventually, partly due to this incident, did.) David said Michael was a menace on the track (completly true) and it was never resolved.
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Ciro Pabón
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I am truly sorry. I should have never, ever, started this post. I am so ashamed, after reading the virulent posts it generated, that I do not think I will post anything in the general chat forum for a while. Besides, it is now two days and it keeps unabated.

Sir Stewart phrase, I think, was only to point out how dangerous is for Mr. Schumacher to try to win a championship when he has underperforming equipment. Maybe he was also trying to point out how dangerous is to bow to the pressure of the fans.

This thread shows that this kind of pressure is more intense than what I thought. :roll: The thread has been called crappy and completely out of control. I wonder if the problem is on the thread.

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Dumrick and RH1300S, I never saw him race except in videos, but everything I have seen and heard about him is good. I watched the video of him and Arnoux repeatedly and was amazed that the battle was so ferociouse, but neither driver did anything stupid or unfair.
100% clean racing. It is agreat shame that JV was driven to his death in the way he was. Perhaps he would have won more WCs. Sadly we'll never know.
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so since this topic is about Schuey than let's talk about Schuey without dragging Senna into it.[/quote]

If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck then its a duck.
Schumacher has been crashing people out of the races since the begining and now that he has a car that is not at the front will continue to do it again. Even when he is on pole the first thing he does is chop the nose of the car who ready to pass him. If the other driver does not back off there will be a crash.
Schuey is more dangerous now because he has his championships. Nothing to loose and nothing to gain. Funny thing is that he does not nor ever needed to resort to those tactics as he is clearly one of the top 5 drivers of all time.
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Ciro Pabòn wrote: I am truly sorry. I should have never, ever, started this post. I am so ashamed, after reading the virulent posts it generated, that I do not think I will post anything in the general chat forum for a while. Besides, it is now two days and it keeps unabated.
Not your fault Ciro, more likely mine, I’m sorry. But the other day I simply didn’t feel like I could stand for the n-th time manchild total hypocrisy and lack of objectivity in anything even remotely related with MS and Ferrari. I already suspected that to reply to him in these situations would have been a bad idea, I’ll try to never make the same mistake again.

I also apologize to everybody who tried to keep the discussion logical.

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I'm sorry too.

I don't agree with all your comments but I'll try to respect your opinions more.
Murphy's 9th Law of Technology:
Tell a man there are 300 million stars in the universe and he'll believe you. Tell him a bench has wet paint on it and he'll have to touch to be sure.

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Also Sorry Reca,

If the comments you made about Manchild are true, why did you antagonise things further by writing that?

Just saying, try and think about it in future.
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Tell a man there are 300 million stars in the universe and he'll believe you. Tell him a bench has wet paint on it and he'll have to touch to be sure.

Joined: 03 Jun 2005, 10:54


I'll reply every time someone compares Schumacher with Senna like it or not and since Schuey fans tend to do that all the time I'll be ready.

I don't feel 1% of guilt because I'm certain I'm on the right side even if I'm in minority. By my oppinion "hypocrisy and lack of objectivity" as mentioned by Reca are trademarks of Schumacher and Ferrari in previous 10 years so I dislike same things as Reca does.

My oppinion is my opinion and I'm sticking with it.

Ciro, no need for you to apologize at all.

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Hang on just one moment Manchild!

Now don't you dare suggest that I am a fan of that pompus big chinned As**ole!

I am and always have been a DC fan.
Murphy's 9th Law of Technology:
Tell a man there are 300 million stars in the universe and he'll believe you. Tell him a bench has wet paint on it and he'll have to touch to be sure.

Joined: 03 Jun 2005, 10:54


Sorry, I didn't have you in mind. I said Schumacher fans thinking of Schumacher fans.

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I should probably add right about now that although I don't like MS, I'm not really that insulted if you suggest I do and also before I get mobbed by the Tiffosi, I have no problem with Schumacher fans.

It is not their fault, they have been confused by the teachings of the likes of Jeremy Clarkson and boy racers who swear he is god and is going out with their mum! One day they will see the light and support good drivers, like Alonso, Raikonen and best of all Coulthard :P
Murphy's 9th Law of Technology:
Tell a man there are 300 million stars in the universe and he'll believe you. Tell him a bench has wet paint on it and he'll have to touch to be sure.