Can Alonso do Schumi?

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Can Alonso do Schumi?

Too early to judge
Total votes: 22

Joined: 03 Jun 2005, 10:54


Hudsonhawk. wrote:...are you saying he profitered on his title
I'm saying that he didn't have to decice so soon since it looks that he'll win another WDC this year, Renault will stay in F1 and if that happens than he made bad choice. Bottom line is that even if Renault is withdrawing he could have asked for more money from Ron this summer with 2nd title in sight.

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I have to agree with Manchild. Alonso jumped the gun a fair bit there. Renault is clearly a far better package than anything on the track at the moment. Also now he has a full season of the team not giving him everything knowing that the No1 he gets at the end of the season will go straight to Mclaren. They'd far rather Giancarlo got the title I'm sure.
Murphy's 9th Law of Technology:
Tell a man there are 300 million stars in the universe and he'll believe you. Tell him a bench has wet paint on it and he'll have to touch to be sure.

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Ciro Pabón
Joined: 11 May 2005, 00:31


For once, I have to agree with Hudsonhawk in ONE thing. Statistics are like bikinis: they show everything, except the essential parts.

Joined: 07 Jan 2004, 00:42
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I think his move was based on uncertainty at Renault. That or he saw more prestige with McLaren, regardless they don't have the car at the moment. Or simply, like so many other engineers, wanted a new challenge.

Having said that, I don't think Kimi's driving style should be blamed on his mechanical failures. A car should be built to last a race regardless what a driver does (aside from hitting the wall, etc)
Bring back wider rear wings, V10s, and tobacco advertisements

Joined: 19 Nov 2004, 13:47


talking about reliability.. i dont think u can say kimi destroys his cars. renault time and time again says they sacrifice abit of performance for reliability. this could indirectly say that the other teams(mclaren) goes all out for the win! who knows .. if alonso was driving a mclaren last year he could have suffered that many retirements

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Alonso moving to Mclaren isn't the same as JV moving to BAR for mega money.

Alonso has been at Renault for 5 years and i really believe that he wants to move on to another team to prove that he can win races and titles in different machinery.

I don't think that Alonso will beat Schumi records but i think that he will win around 4 titles before he leaves the sport. Also he will have no problems in having a decent team mate to prove his skill rather than a slow monkey that Schumi insisted in having.

Joined: 03 Jun 2005, 10:54


I had in mind the reliabilty score of JPM in same car (aswell as Fisecella's). Alonso and JPM seam to take better care of their equipment.

Joined: 22 Mar 2006, 10:22


For once, I have to agree with Hudsonhawk in ONE thing.
Careful now i maybe contagious...... :lol: ......wellllll, maybe not
Fluffy stuff??? Renault are in F1 to sell cars, Mclaren have been in f1 for years to Win Races. It’s as Simple as that
....Renaults return is proof that continuity within a sport has little relevance in winning.....and in "the world according to soretooth" mclaren are in F1 to win races only. Nooo, they don’t need F1 to justify their expensive cars....(they don’t care if they get beaten by a manufacturer that selling cheaper...much cheaper cars)....or in F1 to get money from sponsors......they are here to win races only :lol: :lol: ....they are like the red cross this mclaren mob according to the robin hoods to yester-year....... :shock: they are here for the same reasons as all the others.....yes to win but someone has to pay for the dont try to differentiate them to renault on that basis....

ohhh, by fluffy stuff I mean spent money on creature comforts.....the "image".
As for the end of 2007, maybe, I will be wrong, but in the long run, I would put money on Mclaren Winning WC again
keep back pedaling.....what happened to your you install the fine print....

Joined: 22 Mar 2006, 10:22



i love your dodging and weaving....your a special guy.
I'm saying that he didn't have to decice so soon since it looks that he'll win another WDC this year, Renault will stay in F1 and if that happens than he made bad choice. Bottom line is that even if Renault is withdrawing he could have asked for more money from Ron this summer with 2nd title in sight.
lets read between the lines....

there was no certainty that he would win in 2006 at renault.....(but plausable that you could ask for more if you won 2 dwc.....unless someone else took his seat)
no one else was showing interest in him....
i thinkkkkk renault said they wouldnt pay much for driversss
mclaren we super fast in 2005....not reliable but fix that issue and yeahhh..
andddd yes there is the commitment issue from renault...
mclaren have since brought onboard some good wealthy :shock: sponsorssss !!!

i think i am dodging and weaving now.... :lol:

okay i partiallyagree with you butttt i'm remain strong on my opnion that it was driven by the dollar.....and there is nothing wrong with that....this is business after all!!!

Joined: 03 Jun 2005, 10:54


Hudsonhawk. wrote:okay i partiallyagree with you butttt i'm remain strong on my opnion that it was driven by the dollar.....and there is nothing wrong with that....this is business after all!!!
First thanks, second when I was writing about Alonso I had in mind how move to Mcalren would affect his career without having in mind my bias towards Renault.

Personally I think that Renault will miss him a lot if they stay in F1. His drives in 2006 (and Fisichella's) confirm that 2005 WDC title wasn't just luck - that buy has qualities of great driver and if he was on the open market I think every team would try to get him.

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Yeah Mclaren Turn up to GP's Just to sell ice creams :wink: . I cant be bothered to argue with you anymore becasue your argument just rolls around "Mclaren are not here to Win race". Stats dont Win races I agree there, But If if you noticed on this forum most people will agree that Mclaren was the right team to move to, it was just done at the wrong time.

Wile we are talking about backpeddling on opinions i have noticed you have stopped going on about Alonso being like JV.

Vodafone, probably pay most of Alonso Fee. The only question i have is who is the second man?
I believe in the chain of command, Its the chain I use to beat you till you do what i want!!!

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Ciro Pabón
Joined: 11 May 2005, 00:31


Captain Obvious attacks again:

"i doubt alonso will ever get a race winning car for most of his career" - jasflc (he ain't doing bad up to date)

"I really really wonder why everybody is making such a fuss about Schumacher again all of a sudden" - Principessa (we wonder, too)

"Alonso will do things by the book" - Manchild (sure, like everybody else, except Schuey)

"He (Alonso) won't get another." - Tom (including 2006?)

"Michael is no better than many drivers" - Tom (better at what? tennis?)

"I must confess that I am starting to have some respect for Alonso" - Mykey_s (finally! Please, do not tell us what do you think of Ide.)

"How and why would Kimi influence McLaren's reliability for the worse?" - Scuderia_Russ (we are still guessing...)

"Kimi is actually quite emotional I find, compared how Mika was." - Racing_Maniac (and this is also true if you compare him to, let's say, Terminator)

"A car should be built to last a race regardless what a driver does" - West (try to build one like that)

"i dont think u can say kimi destroys his cars" - jasflc (it is more like the cars destroying him, he, he)

"by fluffy stuff I mean spent money on creature comforts" - Hudsonhawk (no comment needed here)

"i love your dodging and weaving....your a special guy" - Hudsonhawk (this could be love)

"When will you listen to Sawtooth-Spike?" - Ciro Pabón (no comment here, either)

Thanx for the fun. BTW, when will you listen to Sawtooth-Spike? :wink:

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Also if we're knit-picking:
"He (Alonso) won't get another." - Tom (including 2006?)
I was refering to MS. Alonso will et many more.
Murphy's 9th Law of Technology:
Tell a man there are 300 million stars in the universe and he'll believe you. Tell him a bench has wet paint on it and he'll have to touch to be sure.

Joined: 22 Mar 2006, 10:22


Wile we are talking about backpeddling on opinions i have noticed you have stopped going on about Alonso being like JV.
Huh ?? Lost me :? ....

Thought i finished that argument.....i pedaled over you the first time.....then reserved over you the second....perhaps this second maneuver is what your refer to as "back pedaling"

:lol: :lol:
Thanx for the fun. BTW, when will you listen to Sawtooth-Spike?
its bad enough having to read his speel.....let alone listen to ear muffs.....???

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Ciro Pabón
Joined: 11 May 2005, 00:31


Hudsonhawk. wrote:its bad enough having to read his speel.....let alone listen to ear muffs.....???
In case of doubt, remember: God gave us twice as many ears as mouths This is a divine clue.