Force india unveils livery

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Re: Force india unveils livery


LOL carlos! Very funny indeed.

Like I said, I do accept he's arrogant, but I just see most of the sucessful people in sport having a similar degree of arrogance. I guess in some people it manifests itself as self confidence, in others it can manifest as a show-off style playboy lifestyle (I'm thinking Flavio here) and in others, like Mallya, it will manifest as a need (possibly of somebody with his own underlying insecurities) for somebody to make everything revolve around himself.

Either way, they all have a self-belief or a drive, which, as the owner of a team once named Jordan, a privateer and a representation of a new market for F1 surely that's a good thing (assuming this drive will lead to results).

P.S mx_tifosi - thanks for the PM, apology is obviously accepted my friend, like i said my previous post was simply a thankyou to others, and in listing some of those people I did exactly what I didn't intend to do - undermine others. And I'm sorry for that, as that thought never has crossed my mind. I guess what I was trying to say was that I respect all people on this forum, some I hold in such high regard because I read their posts and think "Wow, that really is a good point" or "I wish I could put my own bias to one side and be as level headed as that". Others though sometimes don't post in such a continually brilliant manner (I'm thinking here of Acer/Ranger, and some of our former "asteemed" guests). But like I said - never did I mean to (or want to) try and classify people, or undermime them.
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Re: Force india unveils livery


That's a private hospital with high quality services for wealthy people, not a public hospital. He didn't donate a hospital to a city or a region but built his own private hospital for profitable business.

Joined: 29 Nov 2007, 16:07
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Re: Force india unveils livery


Very well said Carlos. Only one correction and an addition... The Mallya hospital is an Bangalore and not Mumbai; also apart from a hospital, Mallya has also built a school in Bangalore.

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Re: Force india unveils livery


Near the city I live, a HUGE hospital was built by "rich people", with a big expensive ultramodern Medicine University. I thought once as Manchild does: "That's a private hospital with high quality services for wealthy people".

The fact is that that hospital decompressed my towns saturated health system (public hostpitals) cause many workers (from factories with good medicine coverage) now go there. They think its better cause the good building looking, but the graduated docs cant even be compared to the docs graduated in the public University of Buenos Aires. Some + and some -

By the way, beyond opinions about Mallya and rich people buying stuff, I´m glad to see Indian people joining The Forum and getting interested about F1. They can offer us another point of view and that is always welcome.
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Re: Force india unveils livery


Belatti wrote:By the way, beyond opinions about Mallya and rich people buying stuff, I´m glad to see Indian people joining The Forum and getting interested about F1. They can offer us another point of view and that is always welcome.
Exactly why I'm so supportive of what Mallya is doing. I'm half indian, but its great to see more indian's getting bitten by the F1 bug. And anything that spreads F1's global popularity must be a good thing. Also this means that we're getting more fans from a growing economy, meaning a more diverse fanbase and better, wider viewpoints and debates as a result. Great! :D
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Re: Force india unveils livery


As a Canadian of Indian origin, it would be great if there was a Canadian team or driver again in F1. However, I'm just as proud of Force India. But whether a team is Canadian, Indian, Japanese, or whatever the nationality of the owner, my first & foremost concern is for the team to be financially stable. This enables the team & car to compete with the rest of the well funded teams. This in turn provides better racing competition & entertainment for us fans.

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Re: Force india unveils livery


Surely not impressed with new livery :(
But expecting few Q2 entries this year :wink:

Last edited by Zack on 14 Feb 2008, 20:08, edited 1 time in total.

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Joined: 23 Jan 2008, 11:35

Re: Force india unveils livery


As usual, Autoblog has some higher-resolution shots: ... the-vjm01/