more cheating for mclaren...

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Re: more cheating for mclaren...


Ciro Pabón wrote:
Rob W wrote:Can you show me any other sport where a winner is given a clear advantage for the next season?
Football (soccer for our impeded friends in US): the world champion has a slot guaranteed in the next tournament. Same goes for Cup America (no, not THAT Cup America, but the other one).
But the important distinction is those slots don't give a competing team any advantage during an individual competition game/meet. The garage location we're led to believe does give a team some advantage during an individual race.


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Re: more cheating for mclaren...


Ray wrote:So I guess if a member of your family, in your household, robbed a bank you should all go to jail?
On that basis then Ray Mclaren should not be punished - seeing as it was only Coughlan who "robbed the bank" (of Ferrari). :lol: :wink:
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Re: more cheating for mclaren...


jshaw wrote:
P_O_L wrote:So because Ferrari found out they had a rogue employee and sacked him, the team should be punished and not mclaren or stepney? That doesnt sound very logical.
As far as I know, same applies to Mclaren, Mike Coughlan was a rogue employee who has been sacked.

It took TWO people for this to happen, TWO rogues, Nigel Stepney was willing to share information and therefore had done wrong, therefore Ferrari should have recieved punishment, however we all know how the FIA seems to love Ferrari. If anyone can back up your view that the whole of Mclaren are cheats then I stand corrected, however nobody has as yet, so I think you are telling me a different version of the 'truth' here.
P_O_L wrote: and still got away unpunished .
So a £100 fine and the removal of all constructors championship points is not a punishment?!
P_O_L wrote:Therefore it would be a travesty to allow that cheating team a few places further up the grid. If a higher gridposition gives better pitboxes it should be regarded as a gain in competition tools wich goes against the idea of punishment, hence me saying they will be cheating if allowed.
Hmm, please inform me, I thought grid positions were determined in qualifying? Unless you mean championship position, anyway, I beleive a pitbox has a negligable effect on racing performance!
P_O_L wrote:O, and for our argentinian member: the only big rival to Ferrari are Renault and Williams. Mclaren was nowhere for years untill suddenly they gained some speed last year. As it turns out, with a questionable designed car.
Ok, ive checked the results going back about 10 years, and Mclaren are consistent top 10 finishers, far from 'nowhere'!
P_O_L wrote:If you consider all things mclaren have done to us the fans,
Like what, I tell you what if any team has had a more negative impact on me as a fan, it is Ferrari, not only because they rather broingly dominated from 200-2004, but also because they resort to dirty play and whinging whan challeneged, their whinging at the moment is making them less popular with the fans, who want to put 2007 behind and actually want to see some proper racing this year, if Mclaren were nowhere, this whole thing wouldnt have been uncovered, but because Mclaren were a threat to Ferrari, the FIA swiftly intervened and made sure Ferrai won yet again!
P_O_L wrote:thye should be thrown out for at least 60 years imo.
Good sir, you are well and truly a master or exaggeration! In truth the whole scandal was a minor incident, blown out of all proportion by the whinging team Ferrari, now the spoilt bunch have their constructors championship, you would think they would shut up, but no they have to keep digging up things that don't matter anymore, I am sure everyone else wants to move on and have some good racing in 2008. So now we adopt the policy of 'anyone who is faster than Ferrari MUST be cheating', so why don't we throw out BMW, because there beginning to become sucessful, maybe throw out Renault for cheating too if they improve this season, maybe Williams, throw 'em all out, so that we have 2 red cars on the track always winning, yeah great for Ferrari, crap for true F1 fans who wan't to see fair competeive racing, where he who crosses the line first wins, not who has the loudest mouth! :(

In fact there are 3 parties under investigation by law enforcement. One is Stepney presumably under a charge of stealing materials with are protected by copyrights. 2 is Coughlan who is seen as an ally of Stepney. 3 is Mclaren F1 presumably under investigation of possesion of those stolen materials, wich is also a crime. That may include personal inditements to, say, Dennis, Withmarsh, De la Rosa and other employees who have been found guilty of working with that information by the FIA investigation.

You dont seem to understand that at the first FIA hearing, mclaren was NOT punished for them having that info. They got punished because they LIED to the FIA with thier story that only Coughlan used it and was fired the minute they knew he had that info. The new evidence showed that they have been or at least where on the verge of testing that highly detailed, stolen info in their simulator. That many more people have seen it and perhaps used it. All that, are punishable crimes currently under investigation.

Aside from that, Ferrari has started a civil lawsuit against Mclaren, Coughlan and Stepney. Given the evidence, id say Mclaren will prolly try to settel out of court but Coughlan and Stepney dont have moeny so they hang.

And Sauber have also been constantly in the top 10 as well yet nobody seems to think they are a big rival of Ferrari. Mclaren should kiss the moon and MOsley for the implemention of a rev limiter as they couldnt even build a decent engine for years. It also remains highly suspicious that a car that was lapped at the last race in 2006, suddenly makes such a big leap ahead.

As for the rest of your post i cannot react. Everybody has a right to rant away and so do you but dont expect a reply to such suggestive writings. You say Ferrari and the FIA want to throw other teams out, ive yet to see evidence of that. The fact is that it was Mclaren who wanted BMW and Williams to be thrown out, so they could still win the championship. This, despite of Hamiltons statement that "I or anybody at Mclaren, wants to take kimis championship away from him i the courtroom""while that was exactly what the mclaren lawyer was arguing for in the FIA hearing. SO not only do mclaren want their rivals to be thrown out, they also make a habit of selling pure lies to the press. If you want to support such questionable manners and behaviour, thats your choice. I rather have a team who dont make any bones about whos their preffered choice number one with great battles and records. And while the numbers suggest otherwise, I enjoyed the fights between Ferrari and Wiliams very much. In fact,Williams couldv been world champions if it wasnt for the stupidity of one Juan Pablo Montoya at some Indy race in 2003.

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Re: more cheating for mclaren...


Ray wrote:So I guess if a member of your family, in your household, robbed a bank you should all go to jail?
Yes, if I had taken part in robbing the bank, in a similar way to how Nigel Stepney took part in leaking the information, he didn't just accidentally give the info to Mclaren did he, therefore he has taken part in the scandal as well ;)

P_O_L - I apologise if I have been misleading, but I do not mean that I believe Mclaren should have got away without punishment, but that Ferrari and Mclaren should have recieved equal punishment as Ferrari allowed a rogue employee to leak info and Mclaren allowed that info to be used.

Also Kimi desreved the drivers championship, but neither Ferrari or Mclaren deserved the constructors championship in my opinion.

But what irritates me and many others the most is that even now in 2008 Ferrrari are still baying for blood, and making digs at Mclaren, such as their complaint about the new standard Mclaren ECU, im sure many people would now love to move on and enjoy a fair, competetive 2008 season, afterall its only motor racing, its not like somebody was killed as a result of Mclarens actions is it?

I dread that this season will again be decided in a court room, to be honest Mclaren have been punished enough now and Ferrari need to shut up and get on with the racing itself, infact I hope BMW or Renault win the Championship this year, it seems very unlikely though :(

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Re: more cheating for mclaren...


May the best driver and team win the Championship. That's all I wish for. If it's a Ferrari, I have no problems with that. But I definitely am becoming weary of all the off-track antics by all parties. McLaren was found guilty, punished, and even the FIA says it's time to move on. I am very aware of the fact that politics pays a big part in F1, and I can not wait until the racing starts.

From my perspective, there are some devout Ferrari fans who cannot let go, cannot move on, and at each chance, return to Stepneygate and rant on on how McLaren are cheaters, Ron Dennis is a despicable liar, and that they should be punished more. Wow, big surprise there, everyone in F1 tries to gain ANY advantage over their opponents. No team has clean hands, everyone puts out a maximum effort to learn as much as they can about their competitors.
Ferrari fans, beware of who you label "cheater" and how long you hang onto it. Michael Schumacher was stripped of his entire 1997 Driver's Championship points. In Italy there was widespread condemnation of Schumacher. The daily newspaper Unita called for him to be fired by Ferrari. "Schumacher ought to face charges in a Spanish court for the grave deed he committed" it reported. "The driver covered himself, Ferrari and Italian sport as a whole with shame. We are waiting for Ferrari to announce that it is throwing out Michael Schumacher and hiring a new driver who is more intelligent, has more wisdom and a real sense of morality."[8]

La Repubblica reported that "seeing a world title vanish after waiting 18 years is sad enough. But to see it go up in smoke with the move from Michael Schumacher is unfortunately much worse. It's shameful." Gazzetta dello Sport said that if Ferrari had won the title it would have been "a title to hide" and said that it preferred to go on waiting for the day when "our passion for Ferrari has a happy ending." Even La Stampa, the newspaper owned by the Agnelli family, which also controls Ferrari, said "His image as a champion was shattered, like a glass hit by a stone."
So then just what label goes with that action, do you want everyone to continually refer to Michael as a "cheater", forever? Of course not, you let it go, and move on. Unless of course, you want to keep hanging labels on others.
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Re: more cheating for mclaren...


Belatti wrote: 3) Why don´t they build same sized pits? Why 5th place and not 4th or 7th or 2nd? If you aren´t going to be in the first pit, then, regarding the race, its all the same, regarding the space, maybe not.

4) Bernie owns F1, doesn´t matter what position he is occuping. If he says: Ferrari should win a WC, so be it. If he says, Macca to the front, so be it. If he says Mosley in or out, so be it. If he becomes a Jew and take a Sabbatical year, we will be bored for a year. If he says: race at night in the country I want, that will happen, till the time he sells his shares. Its a bussines. They all play their business with us as a tool.
#3. Why give a winner incentives at all then? Hey Spykers car sucked, why not give them everything that the winners get? Hey I know, why not give them a head start. Because that's not how you reward a winner. What's the incentive for doing a good job at work if your never going to get any just reward?

#4. Bullshit. Bernie may own the rights to the F1 name, but he isn't part of the ruling body that regulates rules and regulations of F1 competition. He has no authority to go in and make changes just because he's Bernie. To say otherwise is ridiculous. This is a huge problem in F1. If they can punish someone, then lay off of them, how can we trust them? They are going back on their word. They laid a punishment onto McLaren and they should stick to it, not say 'well they're McLaren, to actually enforce the rules that are written would be kinda crappy to them.'

Spencifer_Murphy wrote:
Ray wrote:So I guess if a member of your family, in your household, robbed a bank you should all go to jail?
On that basis then Ray Mclaren should not be punished - seeing as it was only Coughlan who "robbed the bank" (of Ferrari). :lol: :wink:
jshaw wrote:
Ray wrote:So I guess if a member of your family, in your household, robbed a bank you should all go to jail?
Yes, if I had taken part in robbing the bank, in a similar way to how Nigel Stepney took part in leaking the information, he didn't just accidentally give the info to Mclaren did he, therefore he has taken part in the scandal as well ;)
You're both looking at it wrong. Nigel Stepny stole from Ferrari and gave the info to McLaren. Ferrari didn't give the documents to McLaren, Nigel Stepny the individual did. And the stolen information was disseminated widely throughout McLaren so far as Alonso and PDR wanting to test information in said document for themselves. Ron Dennis publicly admits so. McLaren received stolen information and knowingly disseminated it.

By both of your reasoning, those that are stolen from are as guilty as those doing the stealing. In other words, being stolen from is a crime as serious as receiving stolen property willingly. If you need an example of what I mean I have a personal one. Last Christmas I was robbed. I had a set of wheels for my truck stolen out of my house, among some other things not quite as valuable. That would mean not only would the thief/thieves, the guy who bought the wheels, and myself are all guilty of stealing. That makes no go****n sense.

Taking property from your team, without permission, and giving it to a rival is theft. And receiving stolen property is illegal as well. If you think I'm wrong about any of that, go try it sometime. You'll see.

And remember, idle chat between rival teams/friends is one thing.

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Re: more cheating for mclaren...


I was just messing with ya Ray (hence the wink smiley in my post) I knew what you meant - just wanted to tease.

But joking aside I agree with you on the point that Ferrari cannot be held responsible for the actions of one individual.

On that point though I believe Mclaren also cannot be held responsible for the actions of one individual - HOWEVER in both cases I do think the teams have an obligation to monitor the activities of their empolyees at work, and if information from outside the company is found the matter should be dealt with there and then.

Mclaren failed on this point - the information became more widespread within the company than fans - like myself - would have liked (did the management LET that happen - we'll never know, and it is irrelevent anyway) to the point that the idea of "one man - and not the team has cheated" no longer a valid argument.

Had Mclaren found the document the day it was brought into the design office in woking, if they'd have suspended him and returned the document to Ferrari then I believe Mclaren would have escaped punishment - and rightly so, seeing as at that point the company had not gained or used an advantage due to espionage. But like a virus it became far too wide spread for that to be a valid (or truthful) argument by the team - hence the punishment. (which I still believe was a bit OTT - but thats besides the point - the less we discuss that the better!)
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Re: more cheating for mclaren...


Spencifer_Murphy wrote:I was just messing with ya Ray (hence the wink smiley in my post) I knew what you meant - just wanted to tease.
Yeah yeah :lol: Whatever you say! :lol: Sorry, I was a little over the top. I was 'discussing' this topic with a friend and he didn't think that McLaren did anything wrong, it was all Ferraris fault. But that's for another discussion. :lol: I've already let it be known that I think they should have the last pitbox for sake of enforcing rules. I won't get into that anymore.

Oh by the way, I hope Heikki beats Lewis! :wink: (sorry, had to take the cheap shot!)

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Re: more cheating for mclaren...


LOL, I'm hoping that Heikki and Lewis get on well. Up until last season I was a massive fan of Alonso.

But now, based upon Alonso's behaviour (not the fact that I'm a Lewis fan and therefore, due to some sort of stupid "you can't be both" complex, an Also-Hater as a result) I find myself not only dissappointed by one of my sporting heros, but also finding myself viewing him much like Schumi:

I'm in total awe of it ability, and fully respect his talent, but find huis actions have tainted him and as such I just cannot LIKE him.

Which is a big problem for me, really I am saddened that - try as I might - I just can't LIKE Fernando anymore, because I've been a fan of his since his Minardi days in 2001. I should have seen the warning signs (complaining he felt "alone" at renault in 2006) but alas.

What I'm getting as is, I like Heikki - and I hope they get allong well, because I really don't want to see either of them say or do anything that may damage their reputaions based upon a "heat of the moment" action brought on by some silly rivalry.

That and I'd also like to see Mclaren take WDC & WCC titles just as a sort of retribution. Not that I want to condone cheating or anything - but because being a brit I love an underdog lol!
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Re: more cheating for mclaren...


WHat áctions' are you talking about? The only questionable action from alonso was him holding up lewis in the hungary pitlane, wich, in hindsight, was a simple retaliation towards Lewis action of not cooperating with the team or Alonsos qualifying. For the rest it was Lewis who went hue n cry in the press while alonso stayed silent and dignified.

Also it is only the brit press who say the bad mood came because alonso demanded number one status, something most other european media dont agree with. Al
onso is a guy who when he left renault, went to both headquarters and shook hands with all 600+ employees. With immaculate on track behaviour, even when hes under big pressure and wheel banging with massa at the european GP, he stayed very decent. If he demanded that his setups should not be shared with Lewis he also has a point. Lewis has been a bad rookie from day 1 to him and why should he share his double world champion setups with lewis when lewis himself doesnt even adhere to team agreements?

As for thinking Ferrari should be punished because they let someone steal their properties that is too ridiculous for words. Amazing you have to resort to such idiotic logics to defend the shady behaviour of mclaren. Try reading a law book and understand the meaning and conditions of stealing property.

And the let it all rest is even more hilarious. EVERYBODY wanted to let it rest BUT mclaren themselves. THEY made a mockery of the championship by dragging WIlliams and BMW to an FIA hearing to see if they, at the last resort, still could snatch a lost championship away. That was pathetic to the bone. Mclaren kept it dragging along while Ferrrai and the FIA, at least publicly, have stated they will let the matter rest. The criminal prosecution is out of the hands of Ferrari and that they file a civil lawsuit against stepney/coughlan and mclaren is also more than normal proceedings.

But that poor mclaren suddenly gets 2 places ahead of force india is not defendable. They where punished and should be following those things. Getting a better pit box is cheating the penalty, period.

Last Tango In Paris

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Ciro Pabón
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Re: more cheating for mclaren...


Spencifer_Murphy, you make clear you don't like Alonso anymore, even after being his supporter. However, you give no reasons. Could you enlighten us? I can't believe you don't like him only because he became a whistleblower under pressure, but that's your privilege. Anyway, you've been a rational partner in this forum for such a long time that I really think you must have some reasons. Until I hear them, well, I also saw Alonso's actions last year under the same "shadow" P.O.L. saw them.

I fail to express myself with so much "enthusiasm" as P.O.L., because I have friends here that are fans of McLaren (or Ferrari, or Renault, or...) , but basically he's explaining it well: Alonso was a pawn, and a good one, in a larger game.

I also don't share P.O.L.'s "clear view" of the motives of the actors, and I think that claiming to know those motives is pricky and rude (sorry, P.O.L.). The same way we ask here to "attack the post, not the poster" you could ask to "attack the action, not the driver" (or the manager, or the mechanic). To defend Alonso's personality while you attack Hamilton's is, to say the least, not very coherent. That's what I think both Hamilton and Alonso try to do: yes, you can protest because someone bumps into you, but you don't assume he did it because "he is evil". I don't try to see evilness when "stupidity suffices", as a general rule.

Consequently, I would say that the shadow I see in McLaren was not the shadow of an "evil team": that, I repeat, is a little stupid to say. What I see is the shadow of mismanagement of McLaren, which lost a championship already won. I try to understand McLaren management anyway, and I see it torn between the due loyalty towards a great WDC like Alonso and the loyalty toward a bright promess of the sport as Hamilton is. I also find hard to believe the theory of Coughland working "alone" in such a stable of bright minds, specially after Alonso's confession: that's why the title of this thread, rude and all, has a grain of truth in it. McLaren cheated, you can say, instead of Coughlan cheated.

About the claims that Ferrari cheated because they were stolen I find them moronic, but we'll never know why Stepney did it. There is a small (really small) possibility that Ferrari allow him to do it on purpose, but I would say it has the same probability of americans not landing on the moon: it's purely a conspiracy theory until you have the hint of a proof, which we don't have.

Now, if McLaren cheating means they will be punished until the end of times, no, I don't think so. That McLaren itself should be punctillous on swallowing all the punishments they deserve, like the pits position, well, yes, I think they should. I wouldn't expect nothing less from people as bright as the ones that normally conform a british racing team. That, I humbly believe, is the difference between a man of the caliber of Sir Frank William and a man of the (perhaps smaller) caliber of Mr. Ron Dennis.

For example, why in heaven, if you've been condemned to, I don't know, three months in jail, would you make a fuss over the colour of your prison uniform, specially when you're a public figure? This only magnifies the scandal and gives fodder to your opponents. You have to stay in prison for a while, take it like a man.

Now, this pit thing hasn't happened yet. Besides, I understand is an offer from Bernie Ecclestone, not a request from Ron Dennis. So, until Dennis gives an answer, I reserve my judgement. Finally, until then, calling McLaren a cheater because of that offer is one of the most irrational assumptions I've seen in a long time.

For people that claims to know so well the feelings of the people involved, I find naive NOT to think in several "levels". For example, how do we know that this offer from Bernie wasn't made to embarrass McLaren? ;)

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Re: more cheating for mclaren...


fair points Ciro, ill respond to yr post tomorrow. Lemme just say this: I dont mind posters defending mclaren with substantial arguments. So far ive seen little. That doesnt mean my arguments are always spot on, im coloured as well. But a good discussion is always nice. If people can convince me my points are flawed ill only get richer. People should thank and praise their critics.

Last Tango In Paris

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Re: more cheating for mclaren...


And on that note up stepth Tom to the plinth.

I read P.O.L.'s post from last night and I have to agree with alot of his points. at the end of the day most of the anti-Alonso-ism stems from him battling Hamilton, you can't deny that both drivers did their fair share of bitching, Alonso's conduct in Hungary was disgusting but it was provoked and in the case of the spy scandal, many of us are condeming a man for coming clean and telling the truth.

He may appear a traiter (from a British media point of view at least) and his motivations were questionable but at the end of the day it was Fernando who told the truth while all around were lying through their teeth. I don't see his crime.

Regarding Ferrari's part in the scandal, the team themselves obviously shouldn't be punished when someone robs them, that's commen sense really. If enough proof comes to light that Stepney was part of a bigger game played by Ferrari high ups then the team should be in hot water, till then they're clean in this case.

Mclaren's situation at the end of the year, it was the action of a corporation, not a sports team an unfortunetly thats the way F1 has been going for several years now. That doesn't make it ok, there were millions of fans of a sport worldwide who watched Kimi drive a great final few races and deservingly snatch the championship, to have that brought into dispute for the sake of a few degrees celcius and a desperate effort to grab what, honestly, wasn't rightfully theirs, that was an insut to all those millions of fans.

Mclaren have not cheated once this year to our knowledge and they cannot be held responsible for Bernie's proposition. I just hope Ron has the strength left to refuse such an offer (if it exists) and fight his team up from the back of the pack. I secretly suspect he doesn't but I hope he proves me wrong.

In conclusion I think Mclaren deserved everything they got last year and that 11th pit box. However! I think that it ends there, no more punishment, no more foul, no more bickering and bitching between team mates, no more Ham bashing or Alonso abuse. Just good close racing!
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Re: more cheating for mclaren...


I think I agree with Spencifer on the Alonso point, I was a fan of his before last year but for mainly due to his conduct this year (see also Schumi in the past) I don't really support him anymore, although I can definitely appreciate his skill and talent behind the wheel of a racecar (ditto Schumi). Sometimes to be fair it's hard to say exactly why you don't follow someone, it's just a particular vibe you get I guess. For example I'm a big Rosberg fan, can't tell you why, he hasn't done too much in his time in F1, it's just a personal thing...

I also accept that my views are probably a bit skewered seeing as I read predominantly British press, saying that you've got to respect the views of some publications (like Autosport) as they've been in the game for an age, and generally aren't too biased.
I also believe McLaren were in the right to challenge the results of the last race of the year, you can't not, what if Williams and BMW had been cheating? But in the end Kimi certainly deserved to win, and it would have been wrong to take that away from him in that respect, but then Hamilton and Alonso also very much deserved to win for how they performed despite everyting else...

All in all a pretty messy year, to be honest I wasn't happy about a lot of the things that went on and I guess we'll never know the true story. McLaren definitely deserve to be penalised and I'm going to enjoy watching them fight back this year. The only thing I can be thankful for was at least the Motogp was good last season, which proved a nice distraction. How can they get it so right and F1 so wrong?

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Ciro Pabón
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Re: more cheating for mclaren...


Millerjam, may I ask the same I asked to Spencifer? What shocked you or disgusted you of his conduct?

I offer a short list:

- He collided with Hamilton on who would get full support for the championship
- He told FIA he knew that the McLaren team was receiving info from a mole in Ferrari

Is there something more? I'd appreciate any comments, as the only british press I read is the BBC and The Independent, and both covered the issues of last year's championship in an admirable way. I dare to say that maybe, maybe you're putting the whole british press in a collective bucket to be kicked around... or that's the impression I get from some british fans here: they always complain about it.

About Moto GP, yes I also love it, but I really like F1: I love the good and the bad years, the superhuman and the less than regular drivers, the persons with great ethic and the rascals, the people blindly devoted to racing and those that are in this for the money and the girls; I fail to distinguish among them, the same way the white light has all the colours inside, they are all one to me. To sum up, the world is fine: if God, the Universe or however you call it, needs my approval (which I seriously doubt ;)), he has it.

Oops, sorry, I was starting to rant. :)