Sawtooth-spike wrote:Just thought i would bring this up here. I sorry to all those watch F1 on another channel and dont know what i am going on about.
Was it just me or was the commentary useless? i mean Martin was fine, but there other guy (who didnt know what formula he was watching, "Formular L... One"). Then there was DC, Eddie and Young bloke (dont know his name, all i know is he used to be on newsround). Eddie is FAR to Opinionated and i he didnt really add any value to the show, well other than he Thinks Schumacher is a god who walks amoung us (which is fine if he was no a feckin presenter, who should be impatial). DC looked out of his depth. The Young bloke was ok, he didnt do anything wrong. Somebody already mentioned this in the GP thread but i though i would mention it here.
Plus side, no adverts was great!
I'll have to agree with most of what you said. The action commentator (no idea who as well) provided a more radio like commentary, which I liked but he wasn't as helpful as he could've been.
I thought Eddie was quite annoying, especially in the interview with Sir Richard Branson, he was too strong and seemed to have some beef with him.
Otherwise, quite good, a bit up from last time. Quali seemed to pass much more quickly without adverts, either that or I fell asleep between each session

"It could be done manually. It would take quite a while, but it could be done. There is however a much more efficient and accurate way of getting the data. Men with lasers." Wing Commander Andy Green