xpensive wrote:Hang on a sec Ciro, as much as I buy the two blue lines, I think the yellow one is somewhat out of whack. Why would Fizzi only use 150 Hp when accelerating from 150 km/h?
That yellow line should be flat as Ayers rock to my mind, except for the occational gear shift, and certainly not terminate at a measly 400 Hp at 300 kph?
Or am I missing something essential here?
Where are those 300 HP?

Simple: the car is not able to transmit them to the track. The friction factor for tyres is the limitation. This is very important to understand when you drive a car that has more "power than it's needed". You have to sqeeeeeze the throttle, or the tyres will spin.
For example, in Reca's graph I can see that from 42 to 43 seconds, the car goes from 124 to 163 kph, thus, the acceleration is 1.1 G. The tyre cannot develop more than this coefficient of friction. Check the acceleration row in the worksheet I made (row number 12):

Top acceleration is 1.1 Gs.
If, going at 124 kph (that is, 34 m/s) you could use the full HP, then in one second you would use 770 HP, right?
That is, you would use 770 HP * 746 watts/HP = 574.000 watts
In one second, you would be using 574.000 watts/1 sec = 574.000 joules, right?
So, Force * distance = 574.000 joules.
Force = mass * acceleration, and mass = 605 kg.
So, Acceleration * distance = 574.000 joules / 605 kg = 950 m2/s2
Now, distance = (Vf-Vo)^2/(2*acceleration), so:
950 m2/s2 = (Vf-Vo)^2/2
Thus, Vf = square root of (950 m2/s2 * 2)+ 34 m/s
Vf = 77 m/s
And acceleration = (77 m/s - 34 m/s)/1 sec = 43 m/s2
To use 770 HP, the car should accelerate at 43/9.8 = 4.4 Gs.
There is no tyre in the world that can develop a friction factor of 4. If you had one, the car would move from 124 kph to 277 kph in one second. Impossible.
The power I graphed is the effective power, not taking in account thermal losses. That's why the title of the worksheet is "Power to the wheels", not "Power to the brake". So, those 400 HP at top speed means that the engine has an efficiency of over 50%. I doubt it, I think it should be around 35%. Probably, I'm overestimating the drag.
Those numbers do not depend on the track: they're real numbers taken for an F1 car accelerating at full throttle, in a sector where (I pressume) there are no significant horizontal curves (I would be most grateful if somebody checks where the car spends seconds 42 to 51 at an Albert Park lap).
I hope you get it now.