I don't know why you didn't understand what I wroteWhiteBlue wrote:Scotracer wrote:Just because the current method isn't great doesn't mean any radical change will be better.ISLAMATRON wrote:as opposed to being worried when we were almost down to 18 cars this year because of the status quo?
What I'm worried about is the the fact that the relative performance of the cars is directly related to the FIA's discretion - Max twiddling the knobs of the WDC even more than currently.
This is plainly wrong. For class 1 the rules will be constant for the next 4 years. Performance adjustments will only apply to class two's absolute performance as a class. Relative performance will be totally untouched by the FIA. Please prop up your statement by any meaningfull figures or example in order to claim any credibility for your claim.

Scenario A:
The Class "B" cars are better equiped for the season and by mid-season one of the teams (not just due to having more freedom but more consistent driving) is at the top of the tables. To keep the other teams (the Class A teams) Max will have to slow the other cars down to match therefore negating any professional advantage the Class B team might have had (i.e. they just had better designers & other staff).
You cannot have a sport with one potential winner and have two seperate rules to get to that point. Look at 2006 when STR had the V10s - no matter what happened everyone bitched about them until mid season when the V8s finally overtook on pure pace. And then you have the SEAT diesels in WTCC kicking everything's arse because the rules are slightly more favourable.
Governing body meddling to make things "equal" never works. One set of rules for all.