jason.parker.86 wrote:Has anyone actually confirmed if Massa will or will not be racing this year or next race?
Massa went through one of the worse kinds of injuries possible. During the first 24 hours, this injury was treated as potentially life-threatening. That's how serious it is. There were multiple skull fractures, some bone fragments were removed, and he is in an induced coma. There is some swelling of the brain.
Folks, he's receiving proper and competent medical treatment, but he's not out of the woods, by a long shot. Any complication such as bleeding of the brain or swelling can lead to complications that could threaten his life. Right now the more important question is whether he will survive. The odds improve each minute.
And even if he does get back on his feet, brain damage may guarantee that he will never recover the reflexes and ability to race in Formula One.
Will he be back before the end of the season? Definitely not. Will he be back in 2010? Most likely not. Will Massa ever return to Formula One? Right now it's 50-50.
Racing should be decided on the track, not the court room.