Could Schumacher or Alonso replace Massa?

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Re: Could Alonso drive for Ferrari in Valencia?


xpensive wrote:Most probably, with Ferrari's season already almost wasted, they would like to try out some of their younger talents.
I agree. They do have a couple of kids that they started developing two years ago. They should be about 18-20 yrs old now. But when was the last time Ferrari took a chance with a rookie driver? I actually don't remember so it's been a long time.

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Re: Could Alonso drive for Ferrari in Valencia?


Hmmm...picking up Bruno Senna might be worth a punt. You're then replacing a Brazillian with another - South America is sure to love that...he's also not tied to any other team at present...

It's that or 2 guys with little or no active open top racing experience of late...
- Axle

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Re: Could Alonso drive for Ferrari in Valencia?


I would say there's more chance Alonso will join the Lewis Hamilton FanClub!

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Re: Schumacher for Massa?


I can see the replacement for Massa being one of a few diffrent people. If Massa dosnt drive for the rest of the season, i think we could see a few diffrent drivers in the seat.

If Renault are Excluded for Valencia, i can see Alonso going to Red Bull (Renault engine, so there may be a clause there), meaning that Vettel will be the one to be pushed aside, posibly back to his old team in STR, but if we take last years rumored aggreement that Vettel was the Ferrari reserve driver (Ferrari engine) that would mean that Vettel would race in Massas seat.

The thing is we need to put the Championship in the equasion here. Vettel wont want to leave Red Bull for a worse car.

I can see Bourdais getting a potential shout; Sato, i can rule out; Badoer and Gene, probably not.

I cannot see Badoer or Gene stepping into the seat as they havnt got much race experience in the last few years, Badoer hasnt raced in 10 years and still is waiting to score a point in F1, Gene hasnt raced since Germany 2004, and has only scored 4 points in F1.

I can see the 3 car having a bit of a diffrent driver line up for the rest of the season. I can see a couple of diffrent drivers in it, but its dependant on the Renault situation in Valencia, but i can see Ferrari looking at Bourdais as well.

We will just have to wait and see what happens i supose, untill then its all subjective conjecture.

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Re: Could Alonso drive for Ferrari in Valencia?


Either way it's not the circumstances under which I pictured Alonso going to Ferrari.
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Re: Schumacher for Massa?


jacque villeneuve! That would be good!

It dont think we will see any of the current guys move around. Well other than the test drivers.

I really dont think we will ever see Bourdais again!

Honestly i would put my money on somebody like Kien or Ant D.
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Re: Could Alonso drive for Ferrari in Valencia?


You win as a team and lose as a team.

That team won him two championships, and are his extended family. I don't think an isolated incident will make him forget this.
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Re: Schumacher for Massa?


How about Liuzzi? he must be begging them already. It's about time they gave an Italian a drive.

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Re: Schumacher for Massa?


jason.parker.86 wrote:Has anyone actually confirmed if Massa will or will not be racing this year or next race?
Massa went through one of the worse kinds of injuries possible. During the first 24 hours, this injury was treated as potentially life-threatening. That's how serious it is. There were multiple skull fractures, some bone fragments were removed, and he is in an induced coma. There is some swelling of the brain.
Folks, he's receiving proper and competent medical treatment, but he's not out of the woods, by a long shot. Any complication such as bleeding of the brain or swelling can lead to complications that could threaten his life. Right now the more important question is whether he will survive. The odds improve each minute.
And even if he does get back on his feet, brain damage may guarantee that he will never recover the reflexes and ability to race in Formula One.
Will he be back before the end of the season? Definitely not. Will he be back in 2010? Most likely not. Will Massa ever return to Formula One? Right now it's 50-50.
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Re: Schumacher for Massa?


^^^ Best reply so far, whitch i am inclined to follow that line.

Joined: 13 Feb 2008, 22:07

Re: Schumacher for Massa?


DaveKillens wrote:
jason.parker.86 wrote:Has anyone actually confirmed if Massa will or will not be racing this year or next race?
Massa went through one of the worse kinds of injuries possible. During the first 24 hours, this injury was treated as potentially life-threatening. That's how serious it is. There were multiple skull fractures, some bone fragments were removed, and he is in an induced coma. There is some swelling of the brain.
Folks, he's receiving proper and competent medical treatment, but he's not out of the woods, by a long shot. Any complication such as bleeding of the brain or swelling can lead to complications that could threaten his life. Right now the more important question is whether he will survive. The odds improve each minute.
And even if he does get back on his feet, brain damage may guarantee that he will never recover the reflexes and ability to race in Formula One.
Will he be back before the end of the season? Definitely not. Will he be back in 2010? Most likely not. Will Massa ever return to Formula One? Right now it's 50-50.
Mika Hakkinen suffered a basal skull fracture and subdural hematoma in 1995. Went on to win World Driver's Championship in 1998 & 1999. Duh!

Can't believe you're ready to put Massa's career in the coffin.

Joined: 03 Aug 2008, 02:36

Re: Schumacher for Massa?


Once again DK has absolutely hit the nail on the head! It's nice to see someone with a considered and well thought through post, rather than the mass hysteria that seems to have gone crazy on these boards since Saturday =D>

He's hardly writing off his career, after all, Massa could come back and be just as successful as Mika was, he's merely giving a reasoned assessment of the situation.

While I'm by no means Massa's biggest fan, I wish him a speedy and full recovery - he's become one of the better drivers on the grid and it would be a shame to lose him.

On a lighter note, if he's sadly no longer fit to race, it may solve Ferrari's rumoured problem of having 3 contracted race drivers for 2010!!


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Re: Schumacher for Massa?


DaveKillens wrote:Massa went through one of the worse kinds of injuries possible. [snip]
................ Will he be back in 2010? Most likely not. Will Massa ever return to Formula One? Right now it's 50-50.
Good post. But I don't think any of us have the insight right now to make that bold-ish statement about the 2010. Lets think about the odds at least in a few weeks. I agree on everything else.

Joined: 06 Jul 2008, 19:47

Re: Schumacher for Massa?


Let's hope that Massa will be back racing in F1 in the future. If it is not possible, it is a cruel blow to him through no fault of his. Fate is definitely unfair to him.

Joined: 30 Oct 2008, 13:15

Re: Schumacher for Massa?


mx_tifosi wrote:^ Wow, you really have no clue as to how life works do you.
I have no idea what you are on about here.

Please explain.