bhall II wrote:Can someone help me out here? Alonso's reported move doesn't make sense to my fragile sensibilities.
If the reports are to be believed, Alonso wants to leave Ferrari, because he's tired of underachieving. That's fair enough; completely understandable. But, why then would he go to a team (McLaren) that's currently well behind Ferrari despite having the best PU in the sport? It quickly makes even less sense than a football bat when one considers that his prospective team is set to ditch the best PU in the sport next year in favor of one that's completely unproven and a full year behind everyone else.
Similarly, why would Ferrari push out arguably the best driver of his generation, one who's under contract for the next two years, when they desperately need the best of everything to reclaim their winning ways? Just because?
Is this an ego thing or something? It looks like two sides jumping out of the frying pan and into the fire.
Ferrari is restructuring completely and I feel Alonso needs to be 'ditched' because it wasn't working and will not be working.
So that's strike one.
Strike 2: The chemistry is over. There were some minor cracks visible last year and this year it only grew, Alonso is def. not satisfied with the results at Ferrari and who can blame him. In other words: Alonso doesn't really want to be there anymore.
Strike 3: Zero chance on a Ferrari championship with Alonso in the next 2-3 years. Alonso wants to become champion. Won't happen soon at Ferrari. He's been at Ferrari for a long while now. It's just over.
Strike 4: Ferrari is about Ferrari, not about Alonso. Ferrari wants to win because of Ferrari, not because of Alonso. At this moment, Alonso keeps Ferrari 'afloat', and thus is in a position to be 'the man'. Doesn't fit with Ferrari 'spirit'. Nobody is bigger than ferrari. So bye bye 'nando'.
Strike 5: Alonso can get paid more at Mclaren. Money talks. Makes the world go round (well gravity does that but ok). Honda most definately is investing a lot and a lot to get back on top. Mclaren has been making a mess of things, but i'm sure behind the scenes, they're working on 2015 for a long time.....Mclaren's 'downfall' really began when Mercedes stepped aside of being 'works' brand. IIRC it started with the street car programme to 'cool' the 'ties' of MCL with MERC.
Mclaren today is not the same MClaren 3 years ago. Honda surely played a huge part there, too, even if it's behind the scenes. Honda never made a secret they want a A-class driver, specially Alonso.
Alonso gets to be a 'star' at Mclaren-Honda. Alonso gets big bucks. Alonso will see simulations and calculations on the chances of him actually WINNING again. I feel Mclaren-Honda will have a larger chance of achieving that over ferrari.
Alonso gets Button as a number two driver (Massa nr.2).
strike 6: All Alonso's buddies are 'gone'. No more Montezemolo. No more Domenicali. No more Santander buddy.
It's new management with quite the demands which presumably also come from 'sponsors'. Santander doesn't need
Alonso anymore. Ferrari is restructuring like said so here comes the office 'blitzkrieg'. Bye bye 'nando'.
and Strike 7; back to strike 1 > Alonso out makes sense because Ferrari doesn't want him anymore. They would never say such a thing but i think it's clear as day it's all over. Signing Raikkonen has its reasons.