The topic is getting a bit out of control it seems. On one hand, I'm taking everything with a huge grain of salt. It just takes *one* report - false or accurate, it doesn't really matter - to say something bad and then you have the classic example of many other publications rehashing the same source as if it's another source which then makes it seem more probable. In the end, everyone is reporting it based on that same one singular source that couldn't be further from the truth.
Despite all this, I find one thing a bit concerning so far:
That Alonso won't be in Melbourne.
If it was a "minor" concussion and the only reason why he can not race is because the danger of experiencing another concussion could be bad or severe, then I would expect him to be with his team and follow the progress at the track, if not for moral support. I think the point that he will officially not be present points to something being more severe. I truly hope it isn't as severe as some reports are suggesting, but I do find the lack of information a bit concerning. If it was something very minor, then I would at least expect some kind of update to counter the grave reports that are surfacing.
I know head injuries are very complicated and complex to understand... but without wanting to overreact, I find the news and reports since the crash to be a bit concerning. Here's hoping that it isn't anything like that at all.