Blackout wrote:atanatizante wrote:Blackout wrote:The informations under ''However there should be made some amendments''

From the above statements I was only adding info regarding the cell battery specs, source beeing a past university colleague which is attending his PhD at University of Texas.
SAFT is using some materials from a company named Phostech, which is currently the only licensed supplier of those materials by University of Texas ...
The rest comes from putting pieces together out of AMuS article and well known facts among the forum community

Many thanks.
A detail I still dont understand: are the Renault teams using SAFT batteries know? or did they adopt Panasonic ones instead? Or is IT just RBR who kept the panasonic battery? AMuS doesnt seem to be sure...
All Renault teams are using SAFT batteries coz they came along with the entire PU package from Renault and this package consists of followings: ICE+MGU-H+MGU-K+ES
As AMuS said is rumored RBR wants to switch batteries with Panasonic ones, in spite of having no experience with Li-ion batteries (they have had only super capacitors from them), and the reason is Infinity - Nissan premium company has the know-how from their hybrid cars construction.
Now from another forum there are rumors which are saying that after Jerez and Bahrein failures RBR is already working close with Renault in order to adopt their own ERS version.
Same people says that RBR was receiving Saturday their MGU-K version and that`s why Vettel has had such a productive and successful Sunday test session.
Also they said that Vettel`s success on Sunday was also due to the fact that RBR was already took a decision which says they will run in the first 3 races without MGU-H (the biggest ERS issue element).
This decision was taken coz they consider that the most important thing at the moment is to finish the race and that coz it`s a general belief between the teams which says that in the first races how could manage to finish a race also could earn some points …
Now could you have this info regarding the following matters:
1. Did they have anymore a 12V battery pack for charging ancillaries or they rely only on ES?
2. Did they have an alternator anymore?