Some of your post I agree with but your using the results of one decade to try to define a trend is most misleading. To follow recent trends you need to at least asterisk that when Ferrari lost both championships it was after a 6 year run of Constructors Championships, and ended five consecutive years of WDC's by Mike.Hail22 wrote: But let us be real in the last decade both teams that were tipped to win a third championship failed to do so due to the amount of pressure placed upon them to win thus leading to failures (Ferrari 2003, 2004 lost in 05), (Renault 2005, Renault 2006)
You're coming up with ideas and then trying to fit them somewhere. Come on man! 2001 Ferrari won the WCC for the third time consecutively with ease. 2002 Mike won The WDC for the third consecutive time with 11 victories 5 2nds and 1 third. He almost tripled the highest score of anyone from another team. That's pressure baby :-"