Note how the specimen creates conflict where none existed through the use of misrepresentation.
mnmracer wrote:And calling someone out on fabricating realities is not "what you're talking about".
Below is a textbook example of the species' reliance on
non sequiturs to really drive home points that were never a source of contention in the first place. Here, the individual also appears to be using a form of free-association designed to falsely elevate the status of the subject at hand.
mnmracer wrote:Michael Schumacher's 91 race wins, 76 fastest laps, 68 pole positions and seven World Championships are also the most representative of his career, but that doesn't mean he hasn't faced faillure in his career or doesn't know how to overcome it.
Lastly, notice how the individual comes full-circle and agrees with that which he originally claimed to disagree. This is often accomplished/followed by an allusion to a herd mentality. It's believed that these assertions are the result of the species regularly being unable to think for itself.
mnmracer wrote:Similarly for Fernando, who has thrown even bigger tantrums when things didn't go his way. It's part of the sport.
So, as you can see,
Vettelis fellatious is a peculiar animal, indeed. They seem to need hero worship for sustenance, as mere recognition of talent isn't quite enough to satiate their burning hunger for an absolute deity. More extreme examples often solicit hero worship from others so that it can be used as a habitat of self-satisfaction that shields the animal from the realities of life. Absent that shelter,
Vettelis tends to spin in circles without going anywhere.