Fuel & Boost was limited in the '88 turbos, but other than that your points are validHolm86 wrote:Heat and noise are bi-products of the combustion in the internal combustion engine. The more efficient the engine is the less heat and noise it creates. The 2014 engines are much much more efficient than the engines back in the 80's. And yes you are right regarding the MGU-H. In todays engines the boost is controlled as much as possible by the MGU-H. In the old days it was controlled 100% by the wastegate. Wastegates bypasses the exhaust turbine and thus the exhaust of the wastegates are much louder.
But back then fuel wasn't limited. So they used fuel even when off throttle to keep spinning the turbo. This also contributed a lot to the noise and yes that did sound pretty nice. Today no fuel is wasted at least not during the races. I wonder if they in the future when they've solved the reliability issues will start dumping fuel into the exhaust again to get as much power out of the MGU-H as possible during qualifying.