So, has anyone made
changes to their team(s)? I haven't really thought about it yet, but as the window is closing, I guess I have to make a stab at it. I lost some of my enthusiasm TBH as I had such a crappy weekend in Barcelona ... my standing took a dive, from 266th to 632nd.
The gap to the current top honcho is 99 pts, more than doubling too from a mere 45 last time around. The trend ain't good,
Australia 452 pts
Malaysia 442 pts (-10 difference from previous)
Bahrain 428 pts (-14)
Spain 395 pts (-33)
making a rough extrapolation to
Monaco 319 pts (-76)?
so I definitely got to try sumpthin'. But curiously, my gap to our F1T mini league leader seems to be pretty much level. The coming races are very different, so it seems to be a balancing act, going for the best average. You think Renault is getting on top of their problems? Symonds said as much, they're focusing on the front end of the car, clearly onto something and there's nothing wrong with their engine. RBR might prove to be fast, but is it too fragile?
And so on. Anyway, do comment if you think you've come up with good strategies to defend F1T's honor in the overall competition.