Cause with rFactor you actually need to know how to race and how to take corners, which 90% of the userbase of F1 2012(and before) dont know how to do.
Cause with rFactor you actually need to know how to race and how to take corners, which 90% of the userbase of F1 2012(and before) dont know how to do.
Pierce89 wrote:Why do you people claim that rfactor is so much harder to drive than the "games"? The F1 cars in rfactor are not particularly difficult to drive. I don't claim to be super quick in F1 2012 or RFactor, but realistically the handling is not a huge difference between the "game"(f1 2012) and the "simulation"(rfactor).
Sure the "sim" is more sensitive to set up, but IMHO the handling, while a little bit different, is not much more difficult in RFactor. I use a wheel, so a controller will give a very different feeling. As far as F1 teams using RFactor Pro, they change virtually everything but the graphics. The teams all use their own proprietary physics engines, so RFactor Pro as used by the F1 teams is irrelevant to what I'm talking about. I'm just talking about the "difficulty" of the F1 cars between the RFactor and F1 201X. Some of the F1 mods for RFactor seem a LITTLE bit more difficult, but the BMW f1.08(or 07?) that comes with the basic RFactor package is no more difficult to drive than the "games".krisfx wrote:Pierce89 wrote:Why do you people claim that rfactor is so much harder to drive than the "games"? The F1 cars in rfactor are not particularly difficult to drive. I don't claim to be super quick in F1 2012 or RFactor, but realistically the handling is not a huge difference between the "game"(f1 2012) and the "simulation"(rfactor).
Actually I've noticed a huge difference between the two. It's incredibly apparent if you use a controller like I do (spent up on my PC) - The cars in the game are a lot more forgiving and generally quite understeery and set up to work out of the box so to speak.
To be quick in rFactor, you've gotta have at least a basic understanding, and if you turn off driver aids, the car is twitch as hell. If there wasn't much difference, the teams would all use F1 2012 in their sims instead of rFactor Pro
I find the cars a lot more twitchy, not on the "spin on every corner" level some would expect, but i think there is quite a bit more finesse involved to drive smoothly and fast.Pierce89 wrote:Why do you people claim that rfactor is so much harder to drive than the "games"? The F1 cars in rfactor are not particularly difficult to drive. I don't claim to be super quick in F1 2012 or RFactor, but realistically the handling is not a huge difference between the "game"(f1 2012) and the "simulation"(rfactor).
Picking mods is a crapshoot indeed, i had a few late 80s/early 90s mods and they were all over the place.scotty86 wrote:The problem with rFactor is that most of the mods are poorly made, and are of no use as a point of comparison in real life. The best F1 mod on rFactor is probably F1 1991 HE (Historic Edition), and that is definitely harder to get to grips with than any of the Codies F1 games (which cater towards the masses in their driving, surely no one can deny that). Everyone who owns rFactor and likes F1 should have that mod!![]()
I couldn't agree more. I've never been impressed with refactor, but gtr2 is great as is iracingscotty86 wrote:
GTR2 is one the best sim racing games around, even though it's 7 years old now. But that is based on GT cars rather than F1.
I'm not saying that either one is 'harder' to drive I'm just saying that 90% of the F1 2012 gamers are incompetent drivers that barely know about something called the racing line and drive those things like they are bumper cars. I dont really blame them, since codies designs those cars to be more similar to bumper cars than f1 cars.Pierce89 wrote:Why do you people claim that rfactor is so much harder to drive than the "games"? The F1 cars in rfactor are not particularly difficult to drive. I don't claim to be super quick in F1 2012 or RFactor, but realistically the handling is not a huge difference between the "game"(f1 2012) and the "simulation"(rfactor).