Fan Solo wrote:Cmon everyone - can you not see the fact that Lewis is making every other F1 driver look shabby? his car contol is awesome & yet again he deserves everything he gets - its what happens when you work your bo**locks off to chase your ultimate goal.
mx_tifosi wrote:Fan Solo wrote:The way I see it with Lewis's recent soundbites is that hes in the running for the WDC with Alonso who is a master of mindgames.
Its perplexing how FA beat MS, two seasons in a row, but has now been beaten by LH, in the same car, during their first season together. Obviously mind games aren't enough to win you a DC.
Although.....we do know that unreliability threw away FM's and KR's chances for the DC. A little supposition,
what if the F2007 had been more reliable this season.......? Otherwise it wouldnt have been just FA and LH in the title hunt with two races remaining.
To be continued.......I have some pretty good inspiration right now, but I have to leave and get some info for a marketing project.
I'd say a win for Kimi in Europe plus a 3rd or possibly better in Spain. He has 2 DNFs to his name and poor scoring in 1 or 2 races (Canada for eg). Hamilton has a nice string of results with one non points scoring finish.
Ray wrote:Lewis is getting to be more of a pompous ass as the season goes on. All his comments about what 'McLaren' wants, or how 'they' like him better, or how 'they' want him to win and not Alonso really makes me want to smack him. He's an ass, a great driver, but still a smart ass kid that has been very fortunate the past few months.
And my comment about him seeing so well is very valid, not ridiculous. He drove well, but everyone fellating him because of it is unjustified. KIMI drove a great race! He came from the back in horrible conditions and finished third, what if he hadn't been at the back in the beginning? Probably would have given Lewis a run for his money. So Lewis did nothing special other than keep it on the road. Can we stop kissing his ass now? Please, it's getting old.
The rain in that race made for a race where even the TV viewers and commentators couldn't see. If the damn broadcasters can't see, it's not good for the fans at home. Which I always thought was what the F1 show was all about. But I guess not.
Safety isn't my beef, if I'm going to watch a race I want to at least see the cars. The championshipsis absolutely riveting, I'm loving all the tension. But that last race could have been better.
I will have to disagree. The first stint even though Fernando was about 2.5 seconds behind early on. Lewis still had the upper hand and was faster. The 2nd stint he made no mistake because he didnt need to. The rest was okay and kept it on the road with no more mistakes. Do keep in mind he had a rear vibration for the rest of the race after collision. Plus Webber was catching him. SO i guess a little bit of risk he had to take in the latter stage before the final SC.