Nothing is over, yet?

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Re: Nothing is over, yet?

Post ... not-today/

This sounds like the non FOTA teams are finally getting the document about finacial regulations that they have asked for. That must be a good sighn that progress is being made. It would be nice to see this all sorted by the next race. We then can see the calendar and the regulations published.
Formula One's fundamental ethos is about success coming to those with the most ingenious engineering and best .............................. organization, not to those with the biggest budget. (Dave Richards)

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Re: Nothing is over, yet?


Mosley retires, backs Todt for his position.

Joined: 20 Jan 2005, 04:02

Re: Nothing is over, yet?


Confirmed via the official FIA web site. Here is the letter. ... 150709.pdf

Wow, wow, wow. It's really going to happen.. Max is bye bye.

Lately, there have been noises coming from FOM that they would like Bernie to step aside into a less active role. Additionally, CVC is also thinking about Bernie's place in everything. I believe all the crap and fallout from the last few months has impacted in the revenues of CVC, and they aren't happy with this mess. Is it a possibility Bernie may be forced aside by his financial backers?
Racing should be decided on the track, not the court room.

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Re: Nothing is over, yet?


Finally, he's going.

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Re: Nothing is over, yet?


The best course of action all round.
The opening paragraph is funny though. He mentions "almost 100 messages" from FIA clubs asking him to stay. There are 221 FIA clubs so less than 45% supported him. What does that say about FIA democracy.
Also, I guess he was not aware of the millions of people globablly calling for him to shove it.

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Re: Nothing is over, yet?


Hip Hip Hooray!!! =D>

I hope Ari gets the gig, he seems to have a very constructive attitude to reforming the FIA. [-o<
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Re: Nothing is over, yet?


Max Moseley wrote:To continue now would greatly complicate my domestic arrangements
... and I thought it was because he'd burnt all his bridges and lost support. Silly me. It for the innocent reason that he's already ordered new curtains and a sofa for his next home.
Max Moseley wrote:... with his partner Michelle Yeoh ...
Just in case Todt's awsome CV isn't good enough , he's got a glamorous actress partner who campaigns to save the cute chinese tigers - so that's alright then.

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Re: Nothing is over, yet?


Teams(all 13) closer to signing the new concorde, with new cost cutting measures legally binding

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Re: Nothing is over, yet?

Post ... this-week/

It sounds like the resource limitation document is the only remaining issue still on the agenda between FiA and FOTA. Adam Parr of Williams seems to be the chief negotiator for that piece of crucial documentation. I wish him the best success and a lucky hand in plugging all the loop holes. If that job is done well we could be looking at peace in F1 and achieving all the important objectives for 2010.
Formula One's fundamental ethos is about success coming to those with the most ingenious engineering and best .............................. organization, not to those with the biggest budget. (Dave Richards)

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Re: Nothing is over, yet?


"It had been reported that the matter would be resolved shortly after the recent German Grand Prix, but Auto Motor und Sport reports that non-Formula One Teams' Association members Williams and Force India have been pushing hard on a number of issues.

For example, the two teams reportedly wanted unanimity - rather than majority rule - to be necessity for team votes, and external financial auditors to keep tabs on the teams' pledges to reduce costs.

Rules previously in dispute have now been agreed: the minimum weight limit is increasing from 605 to 620kg, and fuel pitstops have been banned.

KERS remains in the official rules, although FOTA members have agreed not to fit the technology next year. Theoretically, Williams and Force India could legally use KERS in 2010."

Why increase min weight if KERS is reportedly gone? I'm glad that the 5 non FOTA teams have a strong say in the negotiations.