The Fanboy Yin Yang Thread

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Re: I will race/raced my heart out?!?!?!?!?!


Poleman wrote:I have to say that this thread has no place in this forum whatsoever.It does not need moving it needs deleting...I dont see the point,what if everyone start a new thread bashing on the words that drivers we hate (or better dislike) say?Its a complete waste of time...Someone who follows this forum including myself could easily say "Get A Life" to this kind of threads. [-X Focus on racing and not PR.
My words exactly....well said!!

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Re: Malaysian GP 2010 - Sepang


Poleman wrote:
Pandamasque wrote: And from now on I will always refer to 'the boss' simply as 'the cheating bastard'.
Huh? :roll:
He is a great driver. But today he proved once again that he's a very dirty racer. So a 'cheating bastard' he is.

b) Overtaking, according to the circumstances, may be carried
out on either the right or the left.
However, manoeuvres liable to hinder other drivers, such
more than one change of direction to defend a position,
deliberate crowding of a car beyond the edge of the track or
any other abnormal change of direction, are strictly prohibited.
Any driver who appears guilty of any of the above offences will
be reported to the stewards of the meeting. ... 202010.pdf
Last edited by Pandamasque on 04 Apr 2010, 12:18, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Malaysian GP 2010 - Sepang


Pandamasque wrote:
Poleman wrote:
Pandamasque wrote: And from now on I will always refer to 'the boss' simply as 'the cheating bastard'.
Huh? :roll:

b) Overtaking, according to the circumstances, may be carried
out on either the right or the left.
However, manoeuvres liable to hinder other drivers, such
more than one change of direction to defend a position,
deliberate crowding of a car beyond the edge of the track or
any other abnormal change of direction, are strictly prohibited.
Any driver who appears guilty of any of the above offences will
be reported to the stewards of the meeting. ... 202010.pdf
lol! Get over it, that was enjoyable action!

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Re: Malaysian GP 2010 - Sepang


Boohoo. Surprise surprise, the Hamilton haters are crying into their milk again.

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Re: Malaysian GP 2010 - Sepang


Pierre6 wrote:lol! Get over it, that was enjoyable action!
Sorry. I don't find cheating enjoyable. Don't get me wrong, I couldn't care less about Petrov, that was blatantly dirty and he should have been penalized.
Hangaku wrote:Boohoo. Surprise surprise, the Hamilton haters are crying into their milk again.
Please leave.

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Re: Malaysian GP 2010 - Sepang


Pandamasque wrote:Sorry. I don't find cheating enjoyable.
This is why you are sitting in your comfy chair making biased accusations based on emotion, and not making official decisions in a Formula One race.

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Re: Malaysian GP 2010 - Sepang


Hangaku wrote:Boohoo. Surprise surprise, the Hamilton haters are crying into their milk again.

I knew it! The BOSS fed them a good race and they bite his hand.
He was not cheating, if one looks at the race carefully Hamilton was way ahead of petrov and was not being threatened of a pass. Only in the case of being passed would there be a penalty,
Hamilton could have went straight with his top speed and run away from Petrov, he just chose to toy with him.
Petrov was also enjoying himself, this is why he followed the Mclaren, he knew he was not able to get past. No penalty in my eyes, since there was no attempt to pass by Petrov and Lewis was much further ahead and kept his line steadily, though it be a sinosoidal one.
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Re: Malaysian GP 2010 - Sepang


Pandamasque wrote:
n smikle wrote:This is the thing Hamilon was not defending his position. He was moving away from his position. Petrov then followed Hamilton trying NOT TO PASS BUT TO GET INTO THE SLIPSTREAM. Petrov wasn't even close enough to get into the slipstream and Hamilton didn't want him to get into the slipstream. Nothing wrong with that. It's Petrov's problem if he wants to follow Hamilton's weaving. Why didn't Petrov go straight?
You don't get it do you? The rule says nothing about 'blocking'. Can fan boys read?
However, manoeuvres liable to hinder other drivers, such as more than one change of direction to defend a position,........ are strictly prohibited.
LH hindered VP's slipstream overtaking attempt by changing direction more than once. The end. On a personal note, I've never ever seen anyone doing it so blatantly (see Ray's earlier comments) and it's a great shame he got away with it. As Ant said on BBC5-Live, they repeat the rule on every single briefing before every single race, and that warning is not even a 'yellow card', just a slap on the wrist.
Why didn't petrov go straight then?

Come on man. If you see an obstacle hindering you, do you drive into it? I think not. Hamilton did not Block NOR Hinder Petrov's path. He drove AWAY from Petrovs path.
Petrov should have went straight, but instead he wanted Hamilton in front of him so he can slipstream. We all know this man.

Here you go.. see it here. Plain as day. Petrov was like a fly following a cow's bottom.


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Re: Malaysian GP 2010 - Sepang


YYYYYYYY are ppl complaining about hamilton and petrov?!?!?! Some ppl are ridiculous. We say F1 is boring and that we need more overtaking, then when the drivers actually get their hands dirty and start being adventurous they are all over them as if overtaking has to be in some strict way or form. These ppl should decide what they really want out of F1. If you want train tracks built then you might be happy.

Secondly just for the record, what Hamilton did today was perfectly legit and within the regulations. If Petrov had moved out of the slipstream and hamilton kept swerving around, that would be against the regulations but he didnt. Petrov kept following which means that hamilton never used his one move to block BECAUSE HE WASN'T BLOCKING!!! If some retard thinks that Hamilton was blocking, you need glasses mate or else you don't understand that concept of overtaking. Just enjoy the fact that he actually put on a show instead of complaining about it! If you don't like it, watch reruns of Bahrain 2010 and enjoy the procession.

Also just for the record I am NOT a lewis hamilton fan however I do think that out of all the drivers in F1 he has the biggest b***s. He makes F1 entertaining just like it was in the Senna days.

Stop Complaining and enjoy the show.
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Re: Malaysian GP 2010 - Sepang


hollus wrote:Ejem, sorry to interrupt the exchange. Hamilton vs. Petrov:
I'll leave it to everyone's tinted glasses to judge whether Petrov was close or not and whether he ever got parallel while attempting a pass.
While you are at it, have a quick go at Pitagoras to estimate the amount of extra meters Hamilton covered.

Thanks for the good video, =D> CLEARLY PETROV WAS NOT HINDERED!!!
What's more Lewis was sportsmanly enough to hold his line in the braking zone and allow Petrov to come up beside him. This is how you know he was obeying they rules.
Why didn't he weave in the last part then if he was so desperate to hold back Petrov?

Hammi nit pickers, are clutching at straws here. I am glad this video is available, everyone has a chance to be completely objective and watch frame by frame how Ham moved first and Petrov moved last, following him instead of going straight.

The moves weren't even sudden or confusing, they were very obvious to petrov, and added flare to the race.
It should be banned in terms of safety for other tracks, but my no means was it braking the rules. It's the same as Kubica not obeying the pit stop traffic distance rules last race. Not damning, but potentially unsafe.
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Re: Malaysian GP 2010 - Sepang


[quote=......And from now on I will always refer to 'the boss' simply as 'the cheating bastard'.[/quote]

The most attractive features of this forum, is the intellect and knowledge of the majority of the participants. Generally F1Technical tends to avoid the prattle of other sites whose forensic analysis of a drivers Dad, Girlfriend, Luck, Arrogance, Smugness, Cockiness, Dream Ticket, etc etc fill more pages of comment than lets say the ability to overtake others (many!) in a formula whose aerodynamic rules restrict as much. For me therefore your last comment is quite repugnant! Maybe its time to start a thread called, 'The Hamilton Saga', where all tripe unconnected with his actual ability behind the wheel can be placed. In this way we need not be confronted by the wisdom of those who can barely 'drive' their keyboards!

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Re: Malaysian GP 2010 - Sepang


sAx wrote:
......And from now on I will always refer to 'the boss' simply as 'the cheating bastard'.[/quote wrote:
The most attractive features of this forum, is the intellect and knowledge of the majority of the participants. Generally F1Technical tends to avoid the prattle of other sites whose forensic analysis of a drivers Dad, Girlfriend, Luck, Arrogance, Smugness, Cockiness, Dream Ticket, etc etc fill more pages of comment than lets say the ability to overtake others (many!) in a formula whose aerodynamic rules restrict as much. For me therefore your last comment is quite repugnant! Maybe its time to start a thread called, 'The Hamilton Saga', where all tripe unconnected with his actual ability behind the wheel can be placed. In this way we need not be confronted by the wisdom of those who can barely 'drive' their keyboards!


Hamilton tried something a bit different that's not strictly against the rules without hitting anyone and people call for him to be banned for life.

Webber smashed into his car twice last race through stupid red mist moves robbing us of knowing whether Hamilton would have ever made it past Alonso, and also losing Hamilton a place, and yet is unpunished and not vilified to the same degree.

We had an interesting and fun race with some cracking drives and some variation in strategy, so surely it's time to quit the whining and move on from focusing on one tiny element of the race.

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Re: Malaysian GP 2010 - Sepang


myurr wrote:
sAx wrote:
......And from now on I will always refer to 'the boss' simply as 'the cheating bastard'.[/quote wrote:
The most attractive features of this forum, is the intellect and knowledge of the majority of the participants. Generally F1Technical tends to avoid the prattle of other sites whose forensic analysis of a drivers Dad, Girlfriend, Luck, Arrogance, Smugness, Cockiness, Dream Ticket, etc etc fill more pages of comment than lets say the ability to overtake others (many!) in a formula whose aerodynamic rules restrict as much. For me therefore your last comment is quite repugnant! Maybe its time to start a thread called, 'The Hamilton Saga', where all tripe unconnected with his actual ability behind the wheel can be placed. In this way we need not be confronted by the wisdom of those who can barely 'drive' their keyboards!


Hamilton tried something a bit different that's not strictly against the rules without hitting anyone and people call for him to be banned for life.

Webber smashed into his car twice last race through stupid red mist moves robbing us of knowing whether Hamilton would have ever made it past Alonso, and also losing Hamilton a place, and yet is unpunished and not vilified to the same degree.

We had an interesting and fun race with some cracking drives and some variation in strategy, so surely it's time to quit the whining and move on from focusing on one tiny element of the race.

Well said view exectly =D>

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Re: Malaysian GP 2010 - Sepang

Post cheater besterd Hamster !

He cheated at the start !!! I saw it !!! There was no other way he could get past Alfonso and Butt at the start !!! He then cheated to pass algersurely !!! All his overtakes are cheat !!! M...fng Herbert and Brundle !!! They allow Hamster to cheat !!! OMFG !!! This is ridiculous !!! The MAX should allow other drivers to cheat too !!! They can't match Hamster !!! He couldn't overtake Adri-Sud cause Herbert must have decided his cheat-points for the race was over !!! Thank GOD Hamster has limited cheat-points !!!


Just to clear it. In football, if a player fouls another player, it's called - well, a foul. The referee may or may not punish the player with a yellow/red card depending on the foul commited. But ! If a player scores using his hand and the referee doesn't see it, it's called cheating

So in the light of that explanation, in order NOT to be called a CHEAT, Lewis should order his team so they can instruct Button to crash into a wall prompting a safety car period right after Lewis pits. On top of that, Lewis should also use software traction control, and slam into anybody who dares come alongside him during a race.

Until he's done these things, he'll always be called a cheater.

Ps: I concur with the idea that there's absolutely nobody on Earth that hates Hamilton for his skin color. As we all know, racism is history and the Hamster fanboi's are making this up. Cheeky besterds.

And geez... Is that you calling Hamilton a whiner ?
Last edited by Shrieker on 05 Apr 2010, 11:11, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The "Fanboy Ying Yang" thread


The called "The Terminator" by his team mates.. 8) How bad-ass is that? ... z0k9TK58js

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