Diesel wrote:CHT wrote:
If Brawn GP (a Mercedes linked team) could assist Mclaren (another Mercedes linked team), I dont see why a RBR receiving assistance by STR pit crew will be deemed as unsporting behavior. And btw, who is to decide?
Perhaps you are a Ferrari/Massa fan and you are a little upset that Felipe Baby didn't get assistance from another team when he drove off with his fuel hose attached?
IMO - what you are saying is similar to this:- Team A's garage is on fire, next door to Team B. Because Team A are championship rivals Team B decides to kick back and watch Team A burn.
More extreme perhaps, but you see my point?

1) The reason Ferrari and Massa was brought into this discussion was purely because Massa was the only driver that has similar accident recently, not because I have to be a Ferrari or Massa fan.
On the same note, then should I also ask if you are a Mclaren fan who happens to be a brit?
2) I would appreciate if you could just check out the video on the incident again instead of trying create "fire" on the incident.
a) Was there fire on Heikki cars?
b) If yes, why are the guys holding the fire extinguisher standing there doing nothing?
c) Why were the Brawn GP mechanics rushing out like their own cars are are pitting and then hesitated before touching the car? (0.30)
d) Why is Brawn mechanic in a hurry to release Heikki as if they are fighting for championship points on behalf of Mclaren (0.42)
e) Was Brawn cars schedule for a pitstop at lap 1?
3) When there is no complain, that doesnt mean whatever that has happened is legal, it could be possible that team like Ferrari and RBR would rather reserve such "privilege" to themselves than to destroy it.