Thank you very much this sums up what some of us outspoken F1 fans think. We don't care about the road relevance F1 is supposed to be a showcase of unbelievable engineering that makes those 20+ vehicles fly around circuits at amazing speeds.CMSMJ1
Post subject: Re: Richards: F1 aero excessive and irrelevant
* Quote CMSMJ1
I've tried not to get involved in this boils my wee too much.
The bottom line is that F1 is excessive and totally irrelevant and so what?
All of this eco bleating is a waste of oxygen and brain power. Let F1 be - if it dies a death due to over consumption and irrelevance then so be it. It was never conceived as anything other than a frivolous spend of resource and manpower and the challenge of going as fast as can be.
Let WTCC be relevant to the road cars.
Let WRC be relevant to the road cars
Let Le Mans with the economy drive be relevant to road cars.
F1 is the pinnacle of excessive car design. It is not relevant to road cars and if you want something that is relevant to road cars..then whatever you want, it is not F1.
I personally hate all those people who say F1 needs to get eco friendly all I can say is suck my(you get the picture)F1 should continue to create insanely fast cars with beastly engines(outputting insane horsepower) breathtaking innovations(hopefully the rulebook can be made a little bit more open to provide this) & continue to give us real F1 fans the hypnotising speed & awe inspiring moments we love!