In the tracks case, I hope they throw money at it.

I really hope now that the funding is there that this track will be done in time.
I hope they actually have the money they need to finish this thing, AND that they have the will to spend what it takes to do it right. Right now probably 90+% of the work being done is happening at the pit building & main grandstand. As you can see in some of the shots above, very little is being done right now on the track surface or other buildings. There is a lot of work going on, so I'm holding out hope, but they still have clearly not yet gone "all in" on this thing, imho...and there's also so much more to be done off the track in a very short amount of time.strad wrote:Yeah,,,But would ya like the truck as much as if you had to sweat for it...or better yet, do it all yourself?
In the tracks case, I hope they throw money at it.
Epstein and his people are committed. They have probably already sunk §100m into the venture which would be a total loss if they fail to hold the race.xpensive wrote:But I can't see this, I'm sorry.
It's been dry this week, but December was very wet. The winter will be much more unpredictable than the summer was. I believe rain is predicted for Monday and maybe Tuesday.Scorpaguy wrote:HS
Are you all still in a drought weather pattern...having little to no rain delays?
munudeges wrote:It's not like people haven't lost a ton of money on Formula 1 circuits in the past.
This is a white elephant.
xpensive wrote:FOM and MrE's whole idea is drive circuits near bancruptcy, unless they can suck money from the government, which is why I don't believe in this t all.