Hamilton proved his worth?

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Re: Hamilton proved his worth?


kilcoo316 wrote:
ISLAMATRON wrote:The other way around... I think the track will much better for the KERS cars.
I totally disagree.

Sure, you have three significant acceleration zones, but you have alot of high and medium speed corners. Corners where the McLaren will be very poor.

I expect them to do significantly worse next weekend than they did this.
I agree with Kilcoo, Malasyia is going to be a 'mare for Macca.. Martin Whitmarsh acknowledges the fact too..

"Frankly I think Malaysia will be very tough for this season," he said. "I think we will improve the car but I think it is a high-speed, technical circuit, we are lacking in downforce at the moment and therefore it is going to be tough."

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Re: Hamilton proved his worth?


I used to be once of those 'entrenched'. I was an Alonso fan during the McLaren debate, and found Hamilton's arrogance on the track (especially the move against Glock and Raikkonen at Monza 2008 and 2007 respectively) despicable.

But I am now deeply impressed with his driving. Both last year in the rain, and at Australia this year, managing traffic and a crappy car to pull it up to 4th place, and even a podium post-penalties. Bravo. =D>

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Re: Hamilton proved his worth?


I used to be once of those 'entrenched'. I was an Alonso fan during the McLaren debate
I was as well. And while I continue to be an Alonso fan I find myself liking Hamilton more as time goes on. He had a great drive yesterday in a car that was midpack at best. While I'm sure he would prefer to be in a faster car, this year will be helpful for Lewis' development as a driver.
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Re: Hamilton proved his worth?


I dont think he proved his worth, he had luck at the end to get 3rd. also safety car helped if no safety car and ferraris n vetel and kubica not out he would be out points, just down to luck, he will struggle to get points this weekend mark my words

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Re: Hamilton proved his worth?


He did benefit from crashes and retirements . He was lucky that he finished third , but still he drove very well .
I'm not very sure how correct i am but i somehow seem to remember this race where Schumaker started on something like 17 and finished 4 . Anyone remember ???? :?:
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Re: Hamilton proved his worth?


ringo wrote:
can someone put up how many times he passed someone and at which laps?
This will give u an idea, you could even put it into excel for a better view

ringo wrote: massa is not a passer he is a man who wins from the poll or finishes less or equal to the same place he starts.
What like taking LH on the outside in Hungary? or a 2x1 overtake at Montreal's hairpin? there's other examples. I agree Lewis is one of the best overtakers, but to say Massa can't do it is ignoring some facts.
Alejandro L.

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Re: Hamilton proved his worth?


Spencifer_Murphy wrote: Personally I think winning the championship means, in his own mind, he has nothing left to proove, but still lots to fight for.
Keep it up!
i'm not sure he feels he has nothing to prove. I think he has a real desire to be considered one of the greats when his career is done. To that end he genuinely wants to win over as many of his critics as he is able. For that reason, i think he will drive his socks off this season even if the championship is well beyond reach.

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Re: Hamilton proved his worth?


alelanza wrote:
ringo wrote:
can someone put up how many times he passed someone and at which laps?
This will give u an idea, you could even put it into excel for a better view

ringo wrote: massa is not a passer he is a man who wins from the poll or finishes less or equal to the same place he starts.
What like taking LH on the outside in Hungary? or a 2x1 overtake at Montreal's hairpin? there's other examples. I agree Lewis is one of the best overtakers, but to say Massa can't do it is ignoring some facts.
well i stand corrected your memory is quite good. :lol:
But to be more accurate his end of race position doesn't improve much from his starting row positions (which are quite good). He is consistently fast but there are a few stand out brawlers on the track like alonso, kubica, vettel, that get your heart racing.

thanks for the chart.
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Re: Hamilton proved his worth?


guihuomao wrote:In the matter of courage we all have our limits. There never was a hero who did not have his bounds. I suppose it may be said of Nelson and all the others whose courage has been advertised that there came times in their lives when their bravery knew it had come to its limit.

I wow gold, have found mine a good many times. Sometimes this was expected--often it was unexpected. I know a man who is not afraid to sleep with a rattle-snake, but you could not get him to sleep with a safety-razor.

I never had the courage to talk across a long, narrow room. I should be at the end of the room facing all the audience. If I attempt to talk across a room I find myself turning this way and that, and thus at alternate periods I have part of the audience behind me. You ought never to have any part of the audience behind you; you never can tell what they are going to do.

I'll sit down.
How do I love thee? Let me count the ways.

I wotlk gold, love thee to the depth and breadth and height to

My soul can reach, when feeling out of sight

For the ends of 1)Being and 2)ideal Grace.

I love thee to the level of everyday’s

Most quiet need, by sun and candlelight.

I love thee freely, as men 3)strive for Right;

I love thee purely, as they turn from 4)Praise.

I love thee with the passion put to use

In my old 5)griefs , and with my childhood’s faith.

I love thee with a love I seemed to lose

With wow gold, my lost saints, -I love thee with the breath,

Smiles, tears, of all my life! - and, if God choose,

I shall but love thee better after death 2

Mark Twain
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Re: Hamilton proved his worth?


Ive counted six passes by for LH by lap 39; i guess the bold numbers represent pit stops.
Truli was tele-porting in this race :D that toyota is pretty fast, pit strategy was good too.
For Sure!!

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Re: Hamilton proved his worth?


ringo wrote:Ive counted six passes by for LH by lap 39; i guess the bold numbers represent pit stops.
Truli was tele-porting in this race :D that toyota is pretty fast, pit strategy was good too.
yer he had a good race, although it's quite easier to pass from the back of the grid, especially with a light car and soft tires

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Re: Hamilton proved his worth?


ringo wrote:
alelanza wrote:
ringo wrote:
can someone put up how many times he passed someone and at which laps?
This will give u an idea, you could even put it into excel for a better view

ringo wrote: massa is not a passer he is a man who wins from the poll or finishes less or equal to the same place he starts.
What like taking LH on the outside in Hungary? or a 2x1 overtake at Montreal's hairpin? there's other examples. I agree Lewis is one of the best overtakers, but to say Massa can't do it is ignoring some facts.
well i stand corrected your memory is quite good. :lol:
But to be more accurate his end of race position doesn't improve much from his starting row positions (which are quite good). He is consistently fast but there are a few stand out brawlers on the track like alonso, kubica, vettel, that get your heart racing.

thanks for the chart.
Anytime and yes i do agree there are better overtakers. I think Felipe really has to be in the right set of mind to make things happen for him, but he also comes off as distracted racecraft wise in several ocassions.
This, however, is one of his finest moments, and we get to see Robert showing a bit of what he gave us last Sunday:

Alejandro L.

Joined: 14 Jul 2008, 11:42

Re: Hamilton proved his worth?


Lewis drove a very decent race. Actually only him and Rubens did really overtake a significant number of opponents. But unlike Rubens Lewis managed to do it without punting someone off. The failed attempt to overtake Nelson was pretty telling. Lewis tried and backed off as it became obvious that he wasn't gonna make it in this corner. Good racecraft if you ask me.

The Toyotas were quite good too, but they didn't actually overtake the opponents on track as Lewis did. Also Trulli really messed up there during the last safety car deployment. Had he done that during racing he would have lost his position just as well. The confusion was only because of both drivers (and their race engineers) obviously not knowing the rules. But that's acceptable, because situations like that are very uncommon. It's a bit sad, that the race control is just inapt to sort out stuff like that in a reasonable amount of time. They should take a lesson on it from NASCAR officials.

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Re: Hamilton proved his worth?


D'Leh wrote:Lewis drove a very decent race. Actually only him and Rubens did really overtake a significant number of opponents..
Rosberg got a few, as well. But he lost those places too :x

Joined: 16 Jun 2008, 05:05
Location: San José, Costa Rica

Re: Hamilton proved his worth?


Ringo here's pretty much that data graphed out, good article too:

http://www.f1fanatic.co.uk/2009/03/31/w ... -analysis/
Alejandro L.