Time Zones

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Joined: 19 Sep 2006, 21:48

Time Zones


As an American fan of F1 since 1983 I always viewed watching the races in the wee hour of the night (Adelaide, Suzuka) and in the wee hours of Sunday morning (Johannesburg and the continental races) as part of the mystique of F1. I understand Mr. E chasing a bigger audience but I must say that he was too ambitious with both the Malaysian and Aussie GPs. Both would have benefited if they started at least one hour earlier, possibly two hours earlier.

The low sun and shadows in Albert Park could have produced a dangerous crash and the regularly scheduled daily Malaysian rains could have been mostly averted. I think this needs to be revisited. How did the time change affect European viewership? Someone from Europe please comment.
Innovation over refinement is the prefered path to performance. -- Get rid of the dopey regs in F1

Joined: 25 Sep 2007, 10:51
Location: Chesterfield, United Kingdom

Re: Time Zones


I would have preferred the afternoon runnings of the races to be kept.

Australia used to be very exciting to get up at 0300 to watch the race and the new time left me feeling a little bit deflated.

The Malaysian race was ruined due to the laet start time. As simple as that.

Getting up for the races is something that I am going to miss so I hope that we can see sense and put the races to the most safest, brightest and best weather timeslot we can.

Joined: 22 Jul 2007, 17:11
Location: UK, Manchester

Re: Time Zones


I wouldn't mind if it started earlier. At least then I'd be able to watch it uninterrupted before the misses and 8 month old son wake up :p

Ian P.
Ian P.
Joined: 08 Sep 2006, 21:57

Re: Time Zones


Out here on the Wet Coast, it has usually be a bonus to watch the early season races on a Saturday night (with a cold fermented malt beverage or two). The switch to the later start has basically killed any audience in western North America, 2:00 am start....ugh. Not done much for the east either, 5:00 am.
So much for Mr. E trying to generate any interest west of the Atlantic.
Once it gets back to Europe, we will adapt to 4:30 am starts (resistance is futile) which in its own way is good. It lets you watch the race and have breakfast before anyone else in the house is up and it doeesn't affect the rest of the Sunday schedule. Fine for us fans, but to reach a wider audience....not a chance.
Mr. E.......ya blew-it. Try to sell this to major sponsors and the manufacturers.
Personal motto... "Were it not for the bad.... I would have no luck at all."

Joined: 05 Apr 2009, 18:41
Location: Macedonia

Re: Time Zones


Race time should be the best for the actual driving/racing.
Give me good races and I will get up before dawn to see them and watch them again at the second/taped airing too.