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Its about time Stefano Domenicali stoped with the bullshite about "we have to stay calm, we have to react, and all the other stuff he gabbles on about after a bad race, they need to sort the areo out and get on with it. maybe sign Alonso in future kimi lost the spark, alonso extracts the maxaium out of the car.
IMO I'd say Domenicali has 100% the right attitude. They have a world champion driver in K. Raikkonen, and a very very near world champion in F. Massa. Both are familiar with the organization and engineers, and have been a big investment. You'd be crazy to just throw them out.
Ferrari are a professional organization. When faced with a challenge, the pro way to go about meeting it is to stay cool and focused, develop a plan of attack, and stay with it.. NOT just throw everything out after 2 poor races.
Are Ferrari behind? Yes. But the start of the season does not win you the WDC or WCC. Ferrari has a very talented engineering program. If they can outpace Brawn etc in technical development over the course of the season they will be right back where they need to be.
There was similar silly talk at the beginning of the 2008 season. "Ohh Massa is terrible, throw him out!" After one race! Ferrari stuck with it, had faith in their organization, and was 1 point away from the title. A much better result than if they had just thrown Massa out.
Grip is a four letter word. All opinions are my own and not those of current or previous employers.
Let's be realistic. You don't have a clue about what it takes to run a multimillion dollar operation. A person in that position should be nothing BUT calm and collected, especially in public interviews.
Believe me, behind closed doors, the words might be a bit less composed, but a good leader will lead by example, and that example is keeping his head screwed on straight and thinking one's way through the problems that are being faced.
There is SO very much that goes on behind the scenes, the hundreds and hundreds of employees working for Ferrari, the millions going into development, and don't think Kimi and Felipe are scratching their asses, either. And you know what? The very best efforts of Scuderia Ferrari might not even come close this year. It's happened before, and it will happen again. Do you think ever other team out there isn't trying every bit as hard to win? Does anyone deserve to win any less?
Sit back, relax, and enjoy the show. Be a fan, not a fanatic.
Jersey Tom wrote:But the start of the season does not win you the WDC or WCC. Ferrari has a very talented engineering program.
I quite agree with you on everything else, but strongly disagree with the highlighted comment. I think it's exactly the other way around: It is usually in the start of the season that Championships are LOST, and Massa should know that very well..
The most merciful thing in the world, I think, is the inability of the human mind to correlate all its contents. H.P.Lovecraft
I don't see any problem with Domenicali's attitude towards the outside world. The only thing I would like to see is a bit more openness. Currently there is praise when praise is in place, but when something goes wrong, it's "the team", while you can as well just point out a bit more information on that.
And yes... Ferrari have slightly more mistakes last and this year than before, but they are still a very good team. You shouldn't forget that Brawn and Todt left, it's not so simple to fill that void easily. Those guys were well respected and has lots of experience on their hands.
I fail to comprehend the furor. Domenicali is in charge of the Ferrari team, and as such has to act in a responsible manner that benefits the team. I don't know how many are familiar with the principles of good management, but you don't blast any of your employees in public.
So when things are good it's sometimes appropriate to mention certain employees who contributed to the success. But when things go wrong, the team has to maintain a solid front to the public, and basically say the kind of babble we are hearing from Domenicali. And he just can't truly express his true feelings, because they may be bordering on panic or something else. A manager has to remain composed, and be the stabilizing factor for the team.
And that's what he is saying, even though it may not be exactly the entire truth. Don't expect clinically accurate but brutal admissions, but instead be prepared to hear a spin on the situation, trying to put as much of a positive note on the affair.
Racing should be decided on the track, not the court room.