Who would watch FOTA 'World Grand Prix' race rather than F1?

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Who would watch FOTA 'World Grand Prix' race rather than F1?


If the teams left F1 (copyrighted term) and (the Bernie and Max corporation), and formed their own set of races, especially on tracks we know and love, and the teams got more of the proceeds, concessions, and track fees rather than BernieCorp and CVC, and it made them more viable (budget wise) with or without a factory partner, and most/all the drivers you like were driving the cars,

Would you watch the races with the same enthusiasm (or more) vs F1 ??

PS: And the races were in HDTV (and better audio) with more data on screen, etc (ie more transparency and informative)!!!

What say you?

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Re: Who would watch FOTA 'World Grand Prix' race rather than F1?


If there was manufacturer backing for this FOTA WGP then it would probably be a success.

However, before it comes to that Bernie will give in and/or the teams will compramise.

Maybe to some this will be bad news, but I dont think we will be seeing a split for a long time. It is not ideal for either of the concerned partys and will be avoided long before there is a serious threat imo.

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Re: Who would watch FOTA 'World Grand Prix' race rather than F1?


If ALL the teams left F1 then i think it could be great. What has Bernie if there is no teams, try to lure some other manufacturers with promises of really low budget caps, almost completely standard parts, basically cheap dumb downed F1, i can see some going for that as some not so expensive advertising. But if FOTA grand prix had the likes of Mercedes, Ferrari, BMW, Toyota etc. no one would care about the old F1. I dont see why it is not ideal for the F1 teams to split, I dont see how they can stand that half the revenue they create by putting on such epic performances is ferried away never to be seen again. Why compromise with Bernie? What does he do that FOTA cant do? These intelligent people who dedicate their lives to coming up with these awesome bits of machinery every day and then to see half the earnings disappear.
I really want a championship where personalaties and racing can be seperated. Too many people have such strong opinions about max and bernie that whenever something happens on or off the track it is always linked back to max and bernie controlling the race. For once the teams are united and can actually come up with good suggestions. So why pander to Bernie who does what he wants regardless of what the teams think (medal system, Aus/Mal later start times).
Anyway bernie isnt going to live forever, so after hes gone there'll be some instability no doubt in trying to find a successor or this board of CNC will be in charge i dont know. either way it seems an unknown so why not get out early while the teams are united.

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Re: Who would watch FOTA 'World Grand Prix' race rather than F1?


Sadly...I would. F1 has become way too political and is trying too hard to appear environmentally conscious at the risk of killing the sport. "Reality check Max and Co. Formula One...by it's very nature will never be." We the viewers don't need it to be. It's suppose to be a contest at the highest level of excellence and should be based on that only...not money saved, politics or any other non-related variable. As it is now, you may as well take the word 'sport' out of anything related to it. It is just a shell of it's former self. No longer is it about the contest...instead it has become a roving circus, decided on "manufactured luck"...as in you'd better be lucky enough not to blow up an engine or gearbox (less you receive a penalty)...and about who's liked enough by the FIA and governing body to avoid penalties. I'm starting to hate what it's become.
Last edited by Saabjock on 13 Apr 2009, 14:40, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Who would watch FOTA 'World Grand Prix' race rather than F1?


Theres too many opinions in F1, too many egos and too many intrests at stake to let it fail, but if it did fail or there was a WGP invented, im shure it would be a success.

My opinions are as follows;

1) Im shure the rules would be clearer, and better defined.
2) Coverage for TV would be more compelling for the viewer.
3) The sport would follow more cost effective green technoligies.
4) There would be 20 rounds in the season, more in Europe on classic forgotten tracks.
5) There would be more openings for smaller teams to compete with the big boys, therefore creating more opertunities for a car to win from 18th on the grid.
6) Basically it would become fairer, simpler and cleaner as a sport, therefore would become more of a specticle for the fans, and thats what the sport should not be shunning they way it is seemingly doing at the moment.

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Re: Who would watch FOTA 'World Grand Prix' race rather than F1?


I would love it but it would get a chaos lol.

What i was thinking about it(i really thought about a racing class lol) was smaal V4 1.4l with twin turbos, kers, minimum wieght of 750kg and further is anything allowed, as long as it does meet the fia set strength rules and it doesnt have the wheels covered, the rules go a bit further though
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Re: Who would watch FOTA 'World Grand Prix' race rather than F1?


M'sieu Legault is so very right, at least to my mind anyway.


What surprises me the most, is that what the EvilTwins did was legal?
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Re: Who would watch FOTA 'World Grand Prix' race rather than F1?


I would watch both, depending on TV contracts.

However, I do not see a FOTA World Championship/GP World Championship/World Motor Racing Championship actually running a race. FOTA could either use the threat of a breakaway series to great effect in getting their way, but it would be cheaper to whip out the chequebook and buy Formula One Group from CVC Capital Partners.

The first step in this would be selecting a decent candidate to replace Spanky at the next FIA presidential election, someone who is in tune with FOTA thinking.

A breakaway series would probably feature these things, and post any FOTA Coup the following could happen.
  • Equal distribution of TV monies between all teams, with some going towards a development series.
    An elected FOTAWC/F1 Commissioner
    Better technology for TV - HDTV would be the case if it were to happen short term.
    Selling TV rights to FTA broadcasters in more countries, to sacrifice TV incomes for commercial exposure.

Matt Somers
Matt Somers
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Re: Who would watch FOTA 'World Grand Prix' race rather than F1?


The biggest problem with a break away league is the venue's. Ones that are on the current roster wouldn't be able to be used as they are tied into FIA/FOM contracts. This would not stop other circuits being used IE:

Magny Cours
Circuit Gilles Villeneuve (Canada)

Also some of the new crop my be able to be used like Circuit da Algarve etc....

Most teams would probably see it as a better the devil you know, however another Race series could be interesting. It would need to be like F1 in my opinion and not a spec series, it would also need a massive title sponsor and backing from at least 1 car manufacturer. (In case you couldn't tempt all the teams across, this would enable a similar situation to that being forced by the FIA with the Cosworth engine)
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Re: Who would watch FOTA 'World Grand Prix' race rather than F1?


Matt Somers wrote:The biggest problem with a break away league is the venue's. Ones that are on the current roster wouldn't be able to be used as they are tied into FIA/FOM contracts. This would not stop other circuits being used IE:

Magny Cours
Circuit Gilles Villeneuve (Canada)

Also some of the new crop my be able to be used like Circuit da Algarve etc....
Two factors - possibly cancelling each other out. Firstly, depending on the attitude of the national authorities, FOTA's series could cause political issues for circuits holding national events, as it may have to be run as an "outlaw" series if the local NSA cannot be tempted to jump ship. However, I think an EU court ruling or EU law (can't remember which) may mean that the FIA would have to sanction a FOTA series but would not be allowed to race, but I might be talking out of my exhaust pipe there, so it might be an idea to disregard that one :lol: (Of course I'm not a lawyer).
Most teams would probably see it as a better the devil you know, however another Race series could be interesting. It would need to be like F1 in my opinion and not a spec series, it would also need a massive title sponsor and backing from at least 1 car manufacturer. (In case you couldn't tempt all the teams across, this would enable a similar situation to that being forced by the FIA with the Cosworth engine)
All F1 teams are FOTA members so if FOTA were to decide to break away (OK, one or two may chicken out), so they would start off with several manufacturers. That's not likely to be FOTA's problem, however F1 would have an issue there.

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Re: Who would watch FOTA 'World Grand Prix' race rather than F1?


I enjoy the sport of F1. The driving, the cars, the drivers, the races. The rest of the filler is really inconsequential to me. So I'd watch whatever I feel to be truest to the spirit of racing. Or I'd watch both.

With that being said, I feel this sort of discussion is logically imperfect. The reasoning that "What we have is bad, therefore something else will be better" is inherently flawed.

There needs to be a separation between league and competitors. I feel the politics and competing interests will tear any competitor-run organization apart. So, any breakaway league pretty much needs to be run by a third party, in blind trust of the teams.

Now, as fans, we need to realize that the business interests of the sport do not always dovetail with what makes us happy. Hell, of the entire season, there's ONE race that happens during normal viewing hours for me. That's just an example as it partains to myself.

I think we're in an imperfect world, and no league is going to get it right, or even close, especially in their first few years. Keep in mind, this wouldn't be dumping Bernie and Max, it would be dumping hundreds and hundreds of experienced, dedicated individuals who very well may not move over to a breakaway series.

It would be a gong show.

There's an expression, "The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence", and I think that's a bit of what's happening here.

But that's just my opinion.

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Re: Who would watch FOTA 'World Grand Prix' race rather than F1?


Matt Somers wrote:The biggest problem with a break away league is the venue's. Ones that are on the current roster wouldn't be able to be used as they are tied into FIA/FOM contracts. This would not stop other circuits being used IE:

Magny Cours
Circuit Gilles Villeneuve (Canada)

Also some of the new crop my be able to be used like Circuit da Algarve etc....
Don't forget Imola, Hockenhein, even Melbourne because they don't have a long termn contract. They would go to Argentina, Mexico City, Indianapolis, Long Beach (California) and many more..
I think since the Bernie has been trying to go to newer venues, the older ones are in luck if this happens because they have no contract currently.

As for Magny Cours, the villagers nearby might still protest. But you could add a Russian track and even South Africa.

So to answer the question, I'd DEFINITELY watch.

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Re: Who would watch FOTA 'World Grand Prix' race rather than F1?


I hoped the GPMA started. Short of that, I think the teams need to put forth their candidate for FIA president and take over the existing structure. CVC will get Bernie to agree, through gritted teeth, on anything that threatens cash flow. The unity of the FOTA is the biggest threat to Max and Bernie. That is why the diffuser row was purposefully not addressed until after two races and that is why liegate is being blown out of proportion. They are trying to divide the teams apart.
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Re: Who would watch FOTA 'World Grand Prix' race rather than F1?


Personally, I prefer to watch any form of good racing. It can be rally, F1, NASCAR, Champ Car, Aussie V-8's, whatever. Formula One is one I currently watch because the racing is exciting and fun to watch. But make no mistake, I do not like any of the politics that go on. It takes away from the racing and is an unwanted distraction.
Heck, I'd watch a breakaway series if it had good racing.

But is it the time to have this attitude? Currently, we have had two very interesting races, with tons of action and controversy. Pretty exciting stuff. And for the last two seasons, we have witnessed a title chase go down to the last race, and in one case, down to the last few hundred meters on the last lap. So as far as the actual racing goes, I'm more than pleased.

I also have concerns about manufacturers running the show. They do have their own agenda, and from my experience in other racing series, I consider their control a negative thing.
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Re: Who would watch FOTA 'World Grand Prix' race rather than F1?


gcdugas wrote:I hoped the GPMA started. Short of that, I think the teams need to put forth their candidate for FIA president and take over the existing structure. CVC will get Bernie to agree, through gritted teeth, on anything that threatens cash flow. The unity of the FOTA is the biggest threat to Max and Bernie. That is why the diffuser row was purposefully not addressed until after two races and that is why liegate is being blown out of proportion. They are trying to divide the teams apart.
I have to agree that a FOTA coup is better than a breakaway series. They need to agree on a Max replacement, lobby like hell to the NSAs and then F1 will be allowed to run itself. Next stop, buying FOM ...