This forum contains threads to discuss teams themselves. Anything not technical about the cars, including restructuring, performances etc belongs here.
There won't be a Honda logo & the livery won't be splitted. Those are sidepod panels and engine cover of their 2021 car.
Kukułka zwyczajna, kukułka pospolita – nazwy ludowe: gżegżółka, zazula (Cuculus canorus) – gatunek średniego ptaka wędrownego z podrodziny kukułek (Cuculinae) w rodzinie kukułkowatych (Cuculidae). Jedyny w Europie Środkowej pasożyt lęgowy. Zamieszkuje strefę umiarkowaną.
Brake ducts are the same as FIA's
The only thing I can tell for sure isn't from the FIA's model is the engine cover and sidepods. Perhaps after RBR received all that backlash they just decided to stick some of their own bits to the standard model and call it their car.
I really don't think they'll have the lowest FW element attached to the nose unlike the other teams so far.