FIA not racist as Sutil claims

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Re: FIA not rasist as Sutil claims


ISLAMATRON wrote:So was MS & Ferrari dragged in front of the World motorsport council when he lied about parking it in Le Rascasse?

If the FIA was consistent in anything other than punishing McLaren/Hamilton then maybe Sutil wouldnt have made such an obvious observation.

But of course to many of you racism has never existed in any part of the world at any time so there is no way it could be present in the FIA.
schumacher didnt lie, he just went to wide and couldnt make the turn. if he was going to fake it he would have hit the wall and damaged the nose make it look real.

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Re: FIA not rasist as Sutil claims


ISLAMATRON wrote:So was MS & Ferrari dragged in front of the World motorsport council when he lied about parking it in Le Rascasse?
MS didn't try to make it like it was Alonso coming from the rear flashing lights and blowing horns that made him park and run away scared.

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Re: FIA not rasist as Sutil claims


Sutil should be fined/suspended for making a comment such as this. Clear cut, end of story. You don't make allegations or speculations about racism about your employer, your sport governing body, anything. Period.

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Re: FIA not rasist as Sutil claims


The FOZ wrote:Sutil should be fined/suspended for making a comment such as this. Clear cut, end of story. You don't make allegations or speculations about racism about your employer, your sport governing body, anything. Period.

Exactly because it has never happened before ever... and even if it does happen those who suffer from racial discrimination should just shut the eff up and take it.

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Re: FIA not rasist as Sutil claims


PLUS, this explains why they (the FIA) tried to rob LH of last year's title and give it to Massa, who is of purely WHITE EUROPEAN background!!
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Re: FIA not rasist as Sutil claims


adam2007 wrote:if he was going to fake it he would have hit the wall and damaged the nose make it look real.

if he hit the wall it wouldnt have been fake then

from what i read sutil only said
is it becuase of his colour?

no racism comment
no conspiracy accusation
just a question

wont be racing long now poor sutil

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Re: FIA not rasist as Sutil claims


This thread is a fail, period, you should have all noticed that by the simple mispelling of 'racist'!! :lol: :lol:
Where he used an 's' instead of a 'c'. At least spell check the title if english isn't your first language :wink: .

Ciro, how old is your sister? 8)
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Re: FIA not rasist as Sutil claims


mx_tifosi wrote:This thread is a fail, period.
I agree! Close it.
mx_tifosi wrote:Ciro, how old is your sister? 8)
I happen to know. I met her after breakfast once in France. Then again as soon as we landed in Madrid. Then again right after dinner in Italy. :wink: :wink:

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Re: FIA not rasist as Sutil claims


This thread is too idle, :lol:
I have never seen so much conspiracies in my life. Soap opera i tell you =D>

but on a serious not, undertones of racism exists in F1, a black racer is a completely new experience, so its not surprising that it is met with some amount of tension. The FIA may not be out and out racist, but its subconscious racism, which is expected, its the first black guy!
Remember F1 is for blue bloods or nobles, having any middle class person worse some black kid potentially being world champion on his first go will send a message (i dont know what kind of message); so it will be met with some resistance.
Things started getting worse when lewis made previous WC look like the #2 driver.
Be it something bad (subconscious racism), it's good for the sport, it adds more tension and emotion to formula1.
For Sure!!

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Re: FIA not rasist as Sutil claims


adam2007 wrote:
ISLAMATRON wrote:So was MS & Ferrari dragged in front of the World motorsport council when he lied about parking it in Le Rascasse?

If the FIA was consistent in anything other than punishing McLaren/Hamilton then maybe Sutil wouldnt have made such an obvious observation.

But of course to many of you racism has never existed in any part of the world at any time so there is no way it could be present in the FIA.
schumacher didnt lie, he just went to wide and couldnt make the turn. if he was going to fake it he would have hit the wall and damaged the nose make it look real.
Don't be stupid. There's no way the best F1 driver of the modern era could have messed up like that.
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Rob W
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Re: FIA not rasist as Sutil claims


andartop wrote:...Max always envied Bruce McLaren due to his origin from "The Land of the Long White Cloud" (both sexual and racist innuendo there)
Nicely referenced for a non kiwi. =D> (it is considered an incorrect translation of Aotearoa nowadays though)

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Rob W
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Re: FIA not rasist as Sutil claims


ISLAMATRON wrote:So was MS & Ferrari dragged in front of the World motorsport council when he lied about parking it in Le Rascasse?
Amen. More to the point, you can see on the video he reaches over with his hand and cutting the engine.

As I said in another thread recently, in any other sport that sort of absolutely unsporting antics would result in banning for the season. As it was he was allowed to race to a points position. The marshals at the race even deemed it to be deliberate - so why not take it further and punish him.

Whatever antics they're talking about here by Lewis' - however bad - didn't even happen on the racetrack. Surely on-track incidents are a far worse offence?

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Re: FIA not rasist as Sutil claims


Rob W wrote:
andartop wrote:...Max always envied Bruce McLaren due to his origin from "The Land of the Long White Cloud" (both sexual and racist innuendo there)
Nicely referenced for a non kiwi. =D> (it is considered an incorrect translation of Aotearoa nowadays though)

Provide us non-kiwi's more insight please

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Rob W
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Re: FIA not rasist as Sutil claims


ISLAMATRON wrote:Provide us non-kiwi's more insight please
Oh. Aotearoa is mistakenly thought of as the Maori name for NZ, when it actually referred to the North Island - from when the settlers first landed (they didn't even know about the South at that stage).

It is thought the word is from aotea = cloud, and roa = long. But there are other variations possible including ao = cloud, dawn, daytime, or world; tea = white or clear, perhaps bright; roa = long or tall.

The 'white' was apparently added in the translation as it is the most common colour of cloud and it became warped even further when completed with the adding of the (almost silly) "land of the" part. Many Maori are even divided over the correct translation of the word Aotearoa itself with many saying it's meaning is actually closer to 'long dawn/daytime' (which fits as NZ is much further from the equator therefore has much longer dawns/dusks for much of the year). Since they had no written language the translation of many things changes over time (and often even when it seems to suit their wants best).

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Re: FIA not racist as Sutil claims


Lewis is in the bullseye of everyone in F1 because he chooses to be good at what he does...and that's very sad. They try to find anything to 'nit-pick' on. "If he says Senna is his hero...then he's trying to compare himself." "If he speaks confidently...then he's arrogant." "If he runs the previous WDC ragged with competition...then he a black, sh*t who does'nt know his place according to some racist Spanish idiots." Where does it end? There are guys here who envy this kid because he's good, because he does something they'd like to but cannot (i.e drive in the pinnacle of motorsport). They hate him for all kinds of stupid reasons...everything from having the drive at McLaren to having a good looking girlfriend and being rich. Nothing will change that.