modbaraban wrote:

That street has so many potholes F1 cars would break down before getting to the first corner, and that's in Free Practice 1. It pains me to drive my own car on that street, let alone a F1 car.
But let's say they fix the roads and they block a few streets and avenues. Do you have any idea how many New Yorkers would that piss off? We don't like such things to disturb our daily life. (Although getting stuck in traffic for an hour doesn't phase us much even though, essentially, it's the same thing; you're not going anywhere.)
A few years back we had the Republican National Convention. Half of Midtown was blocked off for a few days. I remember people in the news really pissed. LOL. I don't mean tourists; I think they were excited for some reason. But real New Yorkers were pissed off. We think tourists are mostly on the way too with their slow walks taking hours to cross the street when they're not supposed to. LOL
The only reason we accept our streets being blocked off is if a local team wins a national championship and we get to celebrate it downtown.