Formula One news reporting

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Re: Formula One news reporting


It's as if these journalists basically do nothing other than try to make the worst case scenario up, basically to aggravate any situation. It's despicable.
Rob I'm surprised your surprised - every daily rag (in every country) is similar in its text be it reporting about politics or the scandal down the road - thats the press business - you just need to be selective in what you read and digest and that includes motor sport publications - I know I am - you pick and choose the journo's who've most likely have a finger on the pulse and are consistent in their approach. There is probably a bit more behind Dennis' complete step down but we will never know at this stage although his reference to Mosley & Ecclestone not giving a toss about his departure probably says a few things :wink:
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Re: Formula One news reporting


we don't get news these days, only sensationalism.
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Joined: 24 Nov 2007, 17:45
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Re: Formula One news reporting


This is the downside to F1 becoming more 'Mainstream'. Instead of a few 'specialist' publications, everyone is trying to get on the Bandwagon.

Lets face it, Joe Public goes where the stories are 'freshest' and 'juciest', creating a situation whereby the same old stories are constantly re-heated in a sensationalist sauce and served with a sprinkling of creativity.

Joined: 23 Aug 2006, 23:23
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Re: Formula One news reporting


blame Lewis Hamilton

Joined: 21 Jun 2007, 23:49
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Re: Formula One news reporting


The Autosport news can be good.. This is a link to the Martin Whitmarsh interview

As with all news/reporting, a balanced approach is best, by reading many different sources and making an informed opinon on the matter..
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