As everyone here already knows or should, A great/fast/reliable car is a MUST and a great team/strategy is a MUST, whereas most/all current F1 drivers are likely good enough to win races if not win the championship.
Luck most of the time is the driver or team actions (accident avoidance (Kubica-Vettel), tire change fiascos (Fer), etc) but only rarely the Whim/Capriciousness of the Universe (rain/heat). ie- nearly all F1 things are under control of humans!
Witness, the brawn drivers (great car/team so far), driver/s are good enough (even if Flav thinks not), universe helped in Malaysia, but look at the known great divers, Alonso, Massa, Kimi, etc who do not have that great car, well Flav are these slaggard-truck drivers? I think NOT!
I personally like the reversal of fortunes this year so far!! I like the 2 tire rule which causes mix ups if team strategy is not great. I actually think the FIA diffusor decision was to continue the mix up, for the good of the sport, not necessarily correct on the tech/intent rule side of things.
But the OBVIOUS is, tada, A great car, NOT quite so much the great F1 driver who can pull a bad car up (Ferrari, Force-I, BMW, etc). But of course the driver DOES matter, he who does not screw up and with pace!
Even MS/F had his/their bad races/years!!
'The proceeding has been a statement of the OBVIOUS'
On with this chaotic season!!!!!