FIA technical regulations:
11.1 Brake circuits and pressure distribution :
11.1.1 With the exception of a KERS, all cars must be equipped with only one brake system. This system must
comprise solely of two separate hydraulic circuits operated by one pedal, one circuit operating on the two
front wheels and the other on the two rear wheels. This system must be designed so that if a failure occurs
in one circuit the pedal will still operate the brakes in the other.
11.1.2 The brake system must be designed in order that the force exerted on the brake pads within each circuit
are the same at all times. ... 3-2009.pdf
In Formula One, with the best drivers available, you are either on the gas, or braking. Even in corners, coasting is not done. So the plan is to brake into the corner, turn in while braking, quickly transition to acceleration, and hit the apex going out. So it's very important to remember that braking is carried out while cornering and decelerating. Initially, it's simple to visualize the braking forces. Coming in a straight line, both left and right wheels bear equal weight. This weight comes from two forces, aero at higher speeds, and the sheer mass of the car, which is always present. So the car is braking into the corner, and speed decreases. Aero download also decreases, and thus tire traction too. A Formula One car can lock up the wheels in a straight line, but it can only be done at lower speeds. The huge downforce at speed gives the tires so much traction, they are more powerful than the brakes.
As the car slows, and the driver turns into the corner, centrifugal force wants to keep the car going straight. The weight is transferred, one side of the car (outside) bears much more weight than the inside. So the car is slowing, aero effect becomes negligible, and there comes a moment where the inside front wheel has more braking force than traction. The wheel slows or even stops. It's that moment where the better drivers can anticipate lockup, and let off the brake pedal.
Hamilton carries his braking a bit further, and we all see him locking up the inside front on a regular basis. But during that period where he abuses the inside front, the car is still decelerating, still braking, while other drivers may not. Hamilton brakes hard and tries to carry his braking zone as late as possible, but at the cost of abused front tires.
So like all driver skills, they are related to others. Some drivers are famous for being gentle on their cars, while others are famous for breaking them.
Racing should be decided on the track, not the court room.