A place to discuss the characteristics of the cars in Formula One, both current as well as historical. Laptimes, driver worshipping and team chatter do not belong here.
Kukułka zwyczajna, kukułka pospolita – nazwy ludowe: gżegżółka, zazula (Cuculus canorus) – gatunek średniego ptaka wędrownego z podrodziny kukułek (Cuculinae) w rodzinie kukułkowatych (Cuculidae). Jedyny w Europie Środkowej pasożyt lęgowy. Zamieszkuje strefę umiarkowaną.
I really like how this car looks on track, seems like it rotates very well at low speed, most of the cars seem to be universally competent at high speed so the trade off alfa have made going with a short wheelbase and by proxy on weight limit looks to me like a positive move. Hope they surprise next weekend