xpensive wrote:I have actually entertained the idea myself, what if the entire Brawn-thing was an experiment and if it flew, which it did, Honda would be back?
A conspiracy-theory? Perhaps.

Hey X - its the aircraft carrier here

heres my take on that theory of yours
If you remember Honda announced theyd pulled the pin back in October from memory (and that decision was final as the credit crunch bit with a vengeance there was no going back for Honda) and Honda spoke of numerous interested parties including Richards, Branson (although he was never serious) Carlos Slim and a number of others over about 8 weeks which takes you to end of December - I know it takes time to sort through whats real and whats not and remember all possible options were going via the board at Honda with huge amounts of financial data involved (ever been involved in a due diligence of a company - I have when we took over Island Records and A&M Records theres --- loads off information you have to go through which takes weeks to work out whether the operation is viable) - and remember the buyout by management wasnt top of list - that was pretty much a last option. Now to be fair Im sure Brawn and his team of people thought they had a good car on their hands but even they wouldnt know until they actually ran the car - you can simulate all you like but you dont know - ask any engineer, designer, team mgr until it hits the track it could go either way (hero or zero) and to be honest Honda had a terrible track record on investment even given it was Brawn pulling all this together - so no there was no way Honda were even going to entertain the idea of one more year - and to be honest if I was Brawn and I believed in my product and the team that had put it together over many months I wouldnt want to see it go to someone else who would in all likelihood screw it up - the man has a great track record of facilitation in putting winning teams together so good on him. Then 4 weeks later or was it 6 and Brawn/mgt team buyout announced - last minute test before Melbourne - a car design that was sweet - with probably the best engine on the grid and two good drivers the rest is history.
As for further funding beyond this year - Im not sure whats happening - Honda have basically paid for this year (instead of paying upwards of 100 mil pounds in redundancies and the face loss associated and I believed that they would receive the $90 mill owed by Ecclestone for the last 2 years which would have squared things a fair amount - but apparently not) - I hear and still hear Pepsi are in the background as the possible major sponsor - Branson as reported pays $250,000 a race a piss in the ocean and I dont believe he will be fully involved unless other things like his green fuel operation come into the mix where Brawn would be a very good marketing vehicle........anyway just some thoughts
The music business is a cruel and shallow money trench, a long plastic hallway where thieves and pimps run free and good men die like dogs - there's also the negative side' - Hunter S Thompson