[MVRC] Mantium Virtual Racecar Challenge 2022 (Grand Prix Cars)

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Re: [MVRC] Mantium Virtual Racecar Challenge 2022 (Grand Prix Cars)


Hi, Am I wrong or in the past editions, someone already said that Cl(f) and CL(r) numbers shown in the solver during the solution are wrong and only the numbers of the final report (with the CoP value) are correct?

About the suspensions: if the staff needs anything about CAD geoemtry (different versions, separateed components) just ask. Meanwhile I am sending a lighter STL version to LDVH as suggested by Variante.

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Re: [MVRC] Mantium Virtual Racecar Challenge 2022 (Grand Prix Cars)


Hi, sorry if I persist with lots of questions. By mistake I deleted the text file in which I had annotated the command lines with the arguments to run MFlow from the linux terminal (especially the post processing), can anyone help me?

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Re: [MVRC] Mantium Virtual Racecar Challenge 2022 (Grand Prix Cars)


Suspensions: what about a compromise, with a 2° angle rotaton of the arm sections this year and a more adaptive geoemtry (with a wider range, maybe from 0° to 5°) next year?

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Re: [MVRC] Mantium Virtual Racecar Challenge 2022 (Grand Prix Cars)


variante wrote:
07 Jul 2022, 18:37
Suggestions (in order of importance, more or less):

1 - Close the wheels completely (eliminating the rims, to minimize computational effort).
Hi everyone,

I also believe this suggestion above should be implemented this year, as it would make no difference for us but would be a big benefit for the size and the stability of the CFD solution.

Otherwise, I have a question... I'm ready to submit my CAD (good news!) but my binary STL exports total size is 26Mb before compression (bad news!). I can obviously unrefine them further but I believe this would really start to compromise the geometry. How critical is that 20Mb rule? Can I get away with 26Mb?

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Re: [MVRC] Mantium Virtual Racecar Challenge 2022 (Grand Prix Cars)


Ok guys, once more a tough week.
However, I have heroically fought against Windows and have the process under control again. There is a new MFlow up. Please try it out. I will try to get to the other open questions tomorrow morning, as I desperately need my weekend. Just one piece of advice. If you delete a file from a zip, just unzip it again.
Also, I think, I can increase the file size for the stls. Also keep in mind that minor rule violations first lead to a warning, only later to a penalty.

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Re: [MVRC] Mantium Virtual Racecar Challenge 2022 (Grand Prix Cars)


LVDH wrote:
15 Jul 2022, 16:29
Ok guys, once more a tough week.
However, I have heroically fought against Windows and have the process under control again. There is a new MFlow up. Please try it out. I will try to get to the other open questions tomorrow morning, as I desperately need my weekend. Just one piece of advice. If you delete a file from a zip, just unzip it again.
Also, I think, I can increase the file size for the stls. Also keep in mind that minor rule violations first lead to a warning, only later to a penalty.
Can't make this up. It doesn't work.

MVRC - Panthera

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Re: [MVRC] Mantium Virtual Racecar Challenge 2022 (Grand Prix Cars)


OK, I am on it... Yipeee

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Re: [MVRC] Mantium Virtual Racecar Challenge 2022 (Grand Prix Cars)


CAEdevice wrote:
11 Jul 2022, 18:40
Hi, Am I wrong or in the past editions, someone already said that Cl(f) and CL(r) numbers shown in the solver during the solution are wrong and only the numbers of the final report (with the CoP value) are correct?
Yes, as in any CFD simulation the values constantly fluctuate. At some point the should fluctuate so little that it does not make any difference anymore. But for certain reasons, in MVRC I choose to average the last few (hundred, I do not remember right now) iterations and export that value in the report.

CAEdevice wrote:
11 Jul 2022, 18:40
About the suspensions: if the staff needs anything about CAD geoemtry (different versions, separateed components) just ask. Meanwhile I am sending a lighter STL version to LDVH as suggested by Variante.
We are getting close to the first race, so I cannot change too much anymore. I would like to supply you with better wheels and suspensions. Also I need to fix MFlow urgently. Yesterdays upload seems to be a simple mistake, looks like I did not update the file in Wordpress correctly. However I did find another small issue which I want to fix. I will probably go to my office and take care of this today. Also I need to fix the support pages for MFlow. Somehow they are broken.
So for the first race you can only expect: Working MFlow, new wheels and suspension and working support forum. These other things will have to wait for at least one race. Please also keep in mind that we need to develop the automatic rule checker.

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Re: [MVRC] Mantium Virtual Racecar Challenge 2022 (Grand Prix Cars)


Ok, I went into round two of the fight.
I am pretty confident that I won now.
The new versions are up, so please have a look and confirm, so I can enjoy my weekend.

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Re: [MVRC] Mantium Virtual Racecar Challenge 2022 (Grand Prix Cars)


LVDH wrote:
16 Jul 2022, 16:58
Ok, I went into round two of the fight.
I am pretty confident that I won now.
The new versions are up, so please have a look and confirm, so I can enjoy my weekend.
Well it's opened so that's a step forward!
MVRC - Panthera

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Re: [MVRC] Mantium Virtual Racecar Challenge 2022 (Grand Prix Cars)


Not run a case yet, but what I have seen in the old version and this new one is that all my STLs based off the regulation volumes are floating about 30cm off the ground in the 'wind tunnel', I'll be interested to see if anyone else is experiencing the same thing
MVRC - Panthera

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Re: [MVRC] Mantium Virtual Racecar Challenge 2022 (Grand Prix Cars)


yinlad wrote:
16 Jul 2022, 17:59
Not run a case yet, but what I have seen in the old version and this new one is that all my STLs based off the regulation volumes are floating about 30cm off the ground in the 'wind tunnel', I'll be interested to see if anyone else is experiencing the same thing
It seems to be approximately 260mm off the ground. I've moved the wheels down 260mm and they seem to be at the same level as the wind tunnel floor but I can't be certain it's exactly correct


Checking the reg files I'm seeing things are 275mm in Z


Setting this to 0 puts the wheels approximately 15mm through the WT floor, not sure if that's intentional for sealing etc. But I don't know if the mflow windtunnel is wrong or the regulation files are wrong

I think at this point if we could move the wind tunnel up to match the files that'd be easier than having to go through and transform every part we've made against the reg files.
MVRC - Panthera

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Re: [MVRC] Mantium Virtual Racecar Challenge 2022 (Grand Prix Cars)


Hi the Linux release looks OK, the symmetry plane is in the right place and also the vertical alignment is ok.

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Re: [MVRC] Mantium Virtual Racecar Challenge 2022 (Grand Prix Cars)


CAEdevice wrote:
16 Jul 2022, 20:26
Hi the Linux release looks OK, the symmetry plane is in the right place and also the vertical alignment is ok.
that's interesting. I wonder if the alignment issue is Windows specific in that case. I even got the new reg files and exported the wheels to test, but they are still floating above the floor in mflow
MVRC - Panthera

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Re: [MVRC] Mantium Virtual Racecar Challenge 2022 (Grand Prix Cars)


yinlad wrote:
16 Jul 2022, 21:18
CAEdevice wrote:
16 Jul 2022, 20:26
Hi the Linux release looks OK, the symmetry plane is in the right place and also the vertical alignment is ok.
that's interesting. I wonder if the alignment issue is Windows specific in that case. I even got the new reg files and exported the wheels to test, but they are still floating above the floor in mflow
I did not update wheels and suspensions, maybe it depends on this.