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Fascinating and rightfully frightening history of nuclear development (which is very pertinent now), then the eyes glazed over and then a novel approach to careers (as there has been a few enquiries in here re careers. And at least now I understand the Gaussian function in some graphics programs.
I can see there being a few very upset oil companies once this takes off.
I always wonder what they're gonna do in cold climates with the water being emitted.
1 kg of gasoline (assuming C7H16 here), when burnt, produces 1.44 kg of water (7CO2 + 8 H2O). So... not much different? Does anyone know how much H2 would have the energy content (upon burning or "burning" in a fuel cell) of 1 kg of gasoline (upon burning)?
Energy density of gasoline is about 46 MJ/kg, with an approximate volume of 1.2 L/kg. Hydrogen has an energy density of about 120 MJ/kg, with an approximate volume of 14.3 L/kg for liquid hydrogen.
.. how much H2 would have the energy content (upon burning or "burning" in a fuel cell) of 1 kg of gasoline (upon burning)?
the amount of hydrogen having the energy content of 1 kg of gasoline is remarkably small ... but ....
the amount of hydrogen burnable in a piston engine instead of gasoline has only 18% more energy than the gasoline
That's a good point. Mole wise you need twice as much hydrogen as air at the stoichiometric
ratio, so for 22.4 L of O2 you would need 44.8 L H2 gas at STP for complete combustion. I have no idea about lean burning.
If considering all the options re H
Which isotope?
Of the two isotopes that are stable, one is around twice as heavy as the other.
stoichiometry is weight based and the concept itself becaomes a rubbery figure, partic in this instance.
For combustion which is the breaking and forming of bonds that takes into account the bond forces and their tendencies.
It is imaginable that the hydrogen format hasnt been finalised and optimised for all the processes: making, storing , handling and combustion and any after effects. There could be small additives to aid with ignition energy requirements for example.
Also to my mind their will still be NOx problems
This video is not meant as an argument against , just information
Last edited by johnny comelately on 12 Feb 2023, 23:50, edited 2 times in total.
The one which is 6000 times more abundant, or more or less the natural mix ratio. Because purifying the other would be as pointless for combustion purposes as it is expensive.
Rivals, not enemies. (Now paraphrased from A. Newey).
The one which is 6000 times more abundant, or more or less the natural mix ratio. Because purifying the other would be as pointless for combustion purposes as it is expensive.
Being manufactured H, that changes the choices.
The above post has been added to re same.
The one which is 6000 times more abundant, or more or less the natural mix ratio. Because purifying the other would be as pointless for combustion purposes as it is expensive.
Being manufactured H, that changes the choices.
The above post has been added to re same.
The 1H isotope is 99.972% of existing hydrogen on earth. Atomic hydrogen is not 'manufactured', it's separated from molecular structures, such as water or methane. Nothing new is created.
The one which is 6000 times more abundant, or more or less the natural mix ratio. Because purifying the other would be as pointless for combustion purposes as it is expensive.
Being manufactured H, that changes the choices.
The above post has been added to re same.
The 1H isotope is 99.972% of existing hydrogen on earth. Atomic hydrogen is not 'manufactured', it's separated from molecular structures, such as water or methane. Nothing new is created.
Being manufactured H, that changes the choices.
The above post has been added to re same.
The 1H isotope is 99.972% of existing hydrogen on earth. Atomic hydrogen is not 'manufactured', it's separated from molecular structures, such as water or methane. Nothing new is created.
The separation being manufacturing.
Yes, that is the manufacturing, the production of 'pure' hydrogen from some precursor molecule that contains hydrogen, i.e. the hydrolysis of water with electricity (2H2O + electricity yields 2H2 + O2) . But there is no hydrogen being created, and hence, no ability to produce deuterium preferentially. The only hydrogen isotope actually produced on earth is tritium, which is produced in nuclear reactors by exposing hydrogen (with a single proton) to neutron bombardment and eventually adding two neutrons to the nucleus.
This is a very expensive procedure, more expensive than enriching Uranium 238 to increase the concentration of U235, which is the fissionable isotope. Tritium has a half life of slightly more than 12 years and is used as a fuel in hydrogen bombs, or to enhance (boost) fission weapons.
In 2020, Viacheslav Zgonnik, now the CEO of Natural Hydrogen Energy, published an open-access review of the geoscience of natural hydrogen in the journal Earth-Science Reviews.
Using an interdisciplinary approach, this paper reviews current knowledge in the field of natural hydrogen. For the first time, it combines perspectives on hydrogen from the literature of the former Eastern bloc with that of the West, including rare hardcopies and recent studies. Data are summarized and classified in three main sections: hydrogen as a free gas in different environments, as inclusions in various rock types, and as dissolved gas in ground water. This review conclusively demonstrates that molecular hydrogen is much more widespread in nature than was previously thought.
Hydrogen has been detected at high concentrations, often as the major gas, in all types of geologic environment. A critical evaluation of all the proposed mechanisms regarding the origin of natural hydrogen shows that a deep-seated origin is potentially the most likely explanation for its abundance in nature. By combining available data, an estimate of 23 Tg/year for the total annual flow of hydrogen from geologic sources is proposed. This value is an order of magnitude greater than previous estimate but most likely still not large enough to account for recently discovered worldwide diffusive seepages.
In 2022, USGS researchers presented a preliminary model of global subsurface natural hydrogen resource potential at Connects 2022:
Stochastic model results indicate a greater than 98% probability of geologic H2 production meeting at least 50% of the forecast green H2 production by the year 2100 and beyond, with long-term renewable H2 production potentially in the range of 100s of Mt per year. Moreover, the model indicates that the residence time of H2 in reservoirs and the annual flux of H2 to the atmosphere are the most influential factors affecting the resource potential, whereas variations in biotic and abiotic consumption of H2 have relatively little effect. These results strongly suggest that additional investigation of the resource potential of natural H2 is warranted.
—Ellis and Gelman 2022
The possibility of natural hydrogen also adds more colors to the hydrogen rainbow: gold hydrogen, for hydrogen retrieved from natural subsurface accumulations, and orange hydrogen, created by pumping water in to deep source rocks.
I'm sure you folks know about ChatGPT. This is perhaps the most complete article I've ever read explaining how neural networks work as well as how ChatGPT works.
I'm sure you folks know about ChatGPT. This is perhaps the most complete article I've ever read explaining how neural networks work as well as how ChatGPT works.
Not a short read, nor easy, but extremely interesting and fascinating.
I'm still looking for the executive summary!
But at this stage its main application is substituting to reduce labour costs ,eg,having seen some legal firms using it for autoreplying to enquiries with dismal results. Can it provoke new learning, provide the firecracker for new ideas?
And now I see it as consuming energy and resources that could be better spent elsewhere.
The Luddite