IS IT THE CAR??!!! ARRRGGGHH!! Races are painful to watch now!!!
That Stupid MP4-24 is embarrassing the champ!! I agree that it should be on a scrap heap!! IT just a big fat silver Lemon!!
Damn! All these regular drivers are starting to look good..

The Mclaren people have a bad concept design.. They seem to be incapable of going back to the basics.. the car is a slump of botched up concepts and equations..
It seemed that the UP-GRADES are just BAND-AIDS!..
Look on the BRAWN and RED BULL FLY!! (hmm taurine in the fuel?)
Those two cars are Clean Clear Concepts so upgrading is easy and straight forward.
McLaren need to steal some Ferrari designs again, because the momentum from the stolen designs in 07 seems to have crashed into a brick wall because of the new rules.. Mclaren is dead in the water..
I mean A FORCE INDIA out qualified the CHAMP!! What the hell?!!..

I am buying a Plane ticket to England so I can Sabotage the molds for the MP4-24.. The champ must not be seen like this anymore!