donskar wrote:I'm sure Max and Bernie would like "spec" F1 cars run by shoestring operations happy to just be included in F1. Assuming revenues would not decline of course.
Are Max and Bernie so stupid/conceited/deluded/insane (pick any or all of the preceding) that they think fans, tracks, sponsors, and media will pay the same for a bunch of "no-names" as they will for FOTA?
The end game of the "spec car F1" (F3/4?) is Max lording it over a bunch of weak teams, doing anything he please without restraint, while Bernie pays them less, while taking in as much or more as he does now.
Can't possibly happen, right? Right? [-o<
Right now the rules are utterly complex. Just the design restrictions alone are expensive when it comes to manhours. I tend to think that optimizing the car under restraint is where much of FOTA's cost lie. The act of actually "laying carbon" is rather simple with the proper machinery, thus inexpensive manhour wise.
I don't care where the new teams come from, but Luca better be savvy on this one. If 2009 has taught him anything, its that a team with a purpose, and a longer time to design/optimize/build can make his team the underdog.
His true brilliance may be in having Ferrari start on 2010 regs when they were published, and use his position in FOTA to stall the other teams' development start.