Looks like the 40m euro budget cap is going ahead.

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Mr Satay
Mr Satay
Joined: 14 Jan 2009, 19:02
Location: Melbourne, Australia

Looks like the 40m euro budget cap is going ahead.


Looks like the budget cap is definitely going ahead according to autosport.


It dosent say anything about the two-tier system though, maybe that has definitely been scrapped.

I wonder what the teams will do now? Specifically Ferrari and the like, I hope to god they dont break away but I think they will.

Joined: 27 Apr 2009, 11:50

Re: Looks like the 40m euro budget cap is going ahead.


i hate to say it - but i thing that’s the end of F1. At the mo - i can only see Ferrari there with a renamed team, and a car that measures but being as cheap, and not looking like a F1 car, but only if that is the only way out of the FOM contract. I wonder it they can run it as a mobile advert for FOTA f1? Is there anything in the regs from a sponsor advertising a rival series?

That would be a laugh

Will there still be a series even? Ross Brawn has said they can not get sponsorship till the issue is sorted (they appear to be need to be in the Ferrari series for the sponsorship they want) - so what about the new teams - will they still want to enter F1 without any of the established names, or the probable championship winners? I will be very surprised if USF1 don’t follow Ferrari and McLaren to the FOTA series. I would be even more surprised if ProDrive are interested still in an F1 series with out the established names

So we could end up with FIF1 and Williams - who as far as i can see can only loss now. Will Mercedes and Toyota still supply engines and technology to them? I doubt it.

Max's legacy will be destroying F1

Joined: 20 May 2007, 09:26

Re: Looks like the 40m euro budget cap is going ahead.


I can't believe what i've been reading. I thought some kind of agreement would have been put in place by now.

You can understand where FOTA teams are coming from though, 40million is not enough money to have engineer training programs in place as well as have the pinnacle of motorsport. You've just got to imagine the BMW, FIAT, Renault main factory engineers, designers homing their skills at the F1 teams. Imagine having to scale these teams down like Brawn had to do when Honda pulled out. These are very large corp companies out there creating jobs, putting a show on my fav sport on TV.

Down with the FIA for ruining it!!! Boooooooo

Joined: 27 Apr 2009, 11:50

Re: Looks like the 40m euro budget cap is going ahead.


I do agree that 40 mil is nowhere near the right about - after all a footballer has just be brought for £80 mil - and that’s only 1 man, who runs round a field (and very skilfully) chases a blown up pig skin...

Even the Americas cup racing (which is nearly all out of someone’s own pocket) are spending towards £150 mil – and that’s to go boat racing!!!

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Rob W
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Re: Looks like the 40m euro budget cap is going ahead.


I just can't see why no-one of the entire lot - from either side - hasn't just said: OK, we've got to reign in spending or the smaller teams will fall over... and we've got to allow certain technical freedom or the manufacturers will get bored...

The issue is really how far you push F1 in either direction - so why not just compromise and raise/double the proposed budget to say 100 million for 2010? Surely the larger teams could operate within that?

Anyway - the public discussion of it by the FIA really shows how dysfunctional they are. No competent organisation airs its spats publicly so often and so haphazardly.

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Re: Looks like the 40m euro budget cap is going ahead.


There is no other series in the world that costs even half of the 40mil pounds of the propsed 2010 budget cap o put cars on the grid... as I have pointed out before, the cap does not include engine costs, driver costs, or hospitality/marketing. Even under the cap Ferrari would still be spending over 200mil pounds next year. Which really isnt that much less than this year.

None of this is truely about the cap

Joined: 27 Apr 2009, 11:50

Re: Looks like the 40m euro budget cap is going ahead.


Just read this which made me laugh:-


and in particular:-
Setting the record straight

The FIA and FOM have together spent decades building the FIA Formula One World Championship into the most watched motor sport competition in history.

In light of the success of the FIA’s Championship, FOTA – made up of participants who come and go as it suits them – has set itself two clear objectives: to take over the regulation of Formula One from the FIA and to expropriate the commercial rights for itself. These are not objectives which the FIA can accept.

I may be wrong here - but didn’t we all want to watch racing teams? Apparently they had nothing to do with it, we were interested only in the FIA and FOM and not the racing :lol:

Joined: 23 Sep 2008, 13:29

Re: Looks like the 40m euro budget cap is going ahead.


Le Mans have invited the rebel teams....

actually i dont understand 1 thing.....what is FIA's job ??

guiding the teams under some rules and regulation or destroying the sport step by step ?????

Joined: 22 Nov 2004, 02:29

Re: Looks like the 40m euro budget cap is going ahead.


No other series travels all over the world either. The closest is probably WRC, and the R&D of those don't cost in this price bracket....

And this cost includes all the testing cost and the cost of running the test benches like 7-post rig and windtunnel. And they are limiting the time that they can use these. Which I find hilarious because they are allowing more track testing, which costs MORE, uses more resources and introduce more pollution. And then FIA is also asking for more KERS usage and completely ignoring the fact that it'll cost even more than it does now to make them more reliable for even more capacity. Its just contradiction in terms....

FIA right now just seem to be covering their ears and do the "la-la-la I can't hear you" thing that a 5 year old would do....

Joined: 22 Oct 2007, 10:14

Re: Looks like the 40m euro budget cap is going ahead.


ISLAMATRON wrote:There is no other series in the world that costs even half of the 40mil pounds of the propsed 2010 budget cap o put cars on the grid... as I have pointed out before, the cap does not include engine costs, driver costs, or hospitality/marketing. Even under the cap Ferrari would still be spending over 200mil pounds next year. Which really isnt that much less than this year.

None of this is truely about the cap
I told this before but engine, driver and marketing cost does not depend directly on the size of your organization. Whereas to personnel salaries which have to fit into 40 million can only be reached by cutting personnel.
However, yes it isn't about the cap. Mosley said it himself. And with his comments on the subject I can clearly see why teams want to take some power from him.

Joined: 03 Apr 2006, 18:10

Re: Looks like the 40m euro budget cap is going ahead.


And in a flash young engineers wanting to get into F1, well motorsport just became a whole lot harder.

Asif it wasnt hard enough.

This is upto a 200% decrease in spendature. How many job losses will we see? In a recession we want to see lower costs, but to the extent of what will become job losses in the hundreds??

FIA (Y) :roll:

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Re: Looks like the 40m euro budget cap is going ahead.


You forget the new teams who will enter the sport(amongst the 15 that applied)

How many Honda engineers lost their jobs under the old system? how about SAR?

Joined: 22 Oct 2007, 10:14

Re: Looks like the 40m euro budget cap is going ahead.


Another thing to consider - Max rants that present rules introduce bigger freedoms. For no I don't see that. Apart from few gadgets allowed there's nothing truly new.
4WD KERS? Well, that's great but in regulations they say it can't affect braking balance and be used as TC so I don't see anything special. Movable wings? Interesting but was on road cars for years.

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Re: Looks like the 40m euro budget cap is going ahead.


timbo wrote:
ISLAMATRON wrote:There is no other series in the world that costs even half of the 40mil pounds of the propsed 2010 budget cap o put cars on the grid... as I have pointed out before, the cap does not include engine costs, driver costs, or hospitality/marketing. Even under the cap Ferrari would still be spending over 200mil pounds next year. Which really isnt that much less than this year.

None of this is truely about the cap
I told this before but engine, driver and marketing cost does not depend directly on the size of your organization. Whereas to personnel salaries which have to fit into 40 million can only be reached by cutting personnel.
However, yes it isn't about the cap. Mosley said it himself. And with his comments on the subject I can clearly see why teams want to take some power from him.

Do engine engineer salaries count under the cap? Dont think either of us know.

So either a team like Williams cut some of their bloated payrolls or simply go bankrupt and everyone loses their job... how much of a difference?

Joined: 22 Oct 2007, 10:14

Re: Looks like the 40m euro budget cap is going ahead.


ISLAMATRON wrote: So either a team like Williams cut some of their bloated payrolls or simply go bankrupt and everyone loses their job... how much of a difference?
Williams is not a good example as it is the main opponent of customer chassis that could open the way to smaller teams in F1.