Hi all,
My first thread, hopefully I won't look like an idiot. [-o<
I am curious as to what exactly it means when a track "rubbers in". On Fridays the track is green and cars lack grip until enough rubber has been laid in. The rubber is supposed to come off the wheels and stick to the asphalt, acting like a glue from there on, increasing grip and cornering speeds. But in TV, it looks like the line taken by the F1 cars is the cleanest part of all the track, with rubber everywhere else as marbles. Is it supposed to be a microfilm of rubber? Can really so much rubber come off the cars as to cover a patch of track four kilometers long and five meters wide? I also have problems imagining how a bit of rain "washes off" this rubber.
But then, whatever it is, it's effect on lap times is real enough. So what is this "rubbering in" exactly?