What would you call the new series?

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Re: What would you call the new series?


paused wrote:
Yes but I don't think many fans would want to see true CVT's anyway (so probably good they are banned). Half the appeal of racing at this level is "hearing" the cars go through gears. I don't think anyone wants to listen to car sitting on 18K and the CVT adjusting the tourque

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Re: What would you call the new series?


I'm surpised no one's thought of this one how about Formula GPX

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Re: What would you call the new series?


bhallg2k wrote:What does any of this have to do with a name for the new series?

And on-topic: how about Type A World Championship (or A-type)?
I think we're on topic. We're discussing what the new F1 might be called, right? Shouldn't the name somehow reflect what the sport is?

That said, I have no idea what I would call it. How about International Automobile Manufacturers and Motorsport Privateers Association Alternative to Formula One. Rolls right of the tongue!

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Re: What would you call the new series?


FGD wrote:
ISLAMATRON wrote:What has changed in the cars since 1994? That was when active suspension was banned. What innovative new technology has been introduced since then? Biggest thing might be the inerter.
I think you're missing the point. Innovations in F1 as complex and expensive as KERS have never before been mandated by the FIA. Innovations such as mass dampers, active suspension, flexible wings & floors, traction control and even carbon fibre tubs were all born by competing engineers fighting for advantage on the race track. That's what innovation is about.

The engineers in F1 don't need Max, Bernie or anyone to tell them how to be creative.
obviously they do because the team presidents would rather battle over who has the better wheelnut than look towards real innovation.... if you didnt notice KERS is not mandatory, it was just reallowed this year after being banned in the mid nineties... the regs have allways said that the engine could be the only mode of propulsion, so the regs were opened up and the teams fight against it, well some of them do, the teams that are headed by idiot politician types and not engineers.(Ferrari, Renault)

Mass dampers, flexi wings and traction control are not innovations but rather just improvements on existing technologies. Again I ask what has been innovative on the cars since active suspension?
I don't recall KERS ever being used in an F1 car in the mid-nineties. Who brought it into the sport?
Either way, this proves my point that engineers don't need the govorning body to mandate technology and innovation.

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Re: What would you call the new series?


ISLAMATRON wrote: obviously they do because the team presidents would rather battle over who has the better wheelnut than look towards real innovation.... if you didnt notice KERS is not mandatory, it was just reallowed this year after being banned in the mid nineties... the regs have allways said that the engine could be the only mode of propulsion, so the regs were opened up and the teams fight against it, well some of them do, the teams that are headed by idiot politician types and not engineers.(Ferrari, Renault)

Mass dampers, flexi wings and traction control are not innovations but rather just improvements on existing technologies. Again I ask what has been innovative on the cars since active suspension?
I don't remember that about KERS. Care to tell the rest of us about this in the mid-90s?

And to your final point, I guess it's what you define as 'innovation'. MD's, flexible wings, TC. I would count those as innovations in performance terms. They might not be new ideas, but they are influential in car performance and have their benefits.

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Re: What would you call the new series?


Oh and on topic :

I think we should call it:

Regulation 1. :wink:

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Re: What would you call the new series?



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Re: What would you call the new series?


StrFerrari4Ever wrote:I'm surpised no one's thought of this one how about Formula GPX
Yeah its always good to throw in an X or the word super to get more attention. Even though it has no bearing on the racing itself. :lol:
X games for example.

Super GP
Formula X :mrgreen:

notice how the super and X makes it cooler. You have to use American marketing techniques to increase ratings.
For Sure!!

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Re: What would you call the new series?



I disagree that KERS was an innovation, or good for the sport.

Every previous innovation, be it flex-floors, TMD, inerter, seamless gearbox, or whatever, came from the teams, and actually improved matters for the teams. Not so with KERS.

KERS has been hit-or-miss at best, adding a lot of weight to the cars, and not necessarily a peformance advantage. I'd say this is because in addition to mandating the technology, they effectively neutered it's potential with the "61 kW over 6 seconds per lap" garbage.

So it's a flop, in it's current incarnation, and a very expensive one, at that. Hundreds of millions burned to find out that the technology within the current rules is a wash.

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Re: What would you call the new series?


ringo wrote:
StrFerrari4Ever wrote:I'm surpised no one's thought of this one how about Formula GPX
Yeah its always good to throw in an X or the word super to get more attention. Even though it has no bearing on the racing itself. :lol:
X games for example.

Super GP
Formula X :mrgreen:

notice how the super and X makes it cooler. You have to use American marketing techniques to increase ratings.
I think plain old Super GP is a good one.

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Re: What would you call the new series?


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Re: What would you call the new series?


paused wrote:
ringo wrote:
StrFerrari4Ever wrote:I'm surpised no one's thought of this one how about Formula GPX
Yeah its always good to throw in an X or the word super to get more attention. Even though it has no bearing on the racing itself. :lol:
X games for example.

Super GP
Formula X :mrgreen:

notice how the super and X makes it cooler. You have to use American marketing techniques to increase ratings.
I think plain old Super GP is a good one.
I've been saying Super GP for ages. Read the first couple of pages.

Rev Limiter
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Re: What would you call the new series?


I would call it CART II.

If CART was still around, and the owners who had set up CART [for the same reasons F1 is about to split] hadn't bailed [to the IRL], you wouldn't need to think of a name because Ferrari, Maclaren and Braun et al would be running cars in the CART WORLD SERIES.

The result of an F1 split into a rival series? Refer to CART/IRL.

Joined: 29 Mar 2006, 00:56

Re: What would you call the new series?


from pitpass http://www.pitpass.com/fes_php/pitpass_ ... t_id=38295

should the FOTA go ahead with the split the FIA will rename F1 to F-all

I paraphrased

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Re: What would you call the new series?


Formula X

or FX in short, there would be a recall to that in every movie credit or so...