natef1 wrote:Yup.
I can't help but feeling FOTA have given in here. And for what? 1 single concession? That Max will leave in October? All this nonsense and hu-hah about a breakaway.. And all they really wanted, was to get rid of Max? And not even instantly, but in October? So he still gets control for the next few months?
Unless there are other major concessions that the FIA have made, I am sorely disappointed in FOTA.
But they only pledged to stay on till 2012, not 2014. This way, they can all fulfill their contracts with The Bernie.
Max out is no small feat achieved by the teams. This way, they have sent the message that they will not stand for a dictator running their sport. The other guy will definitely have to understand that.
Although I wanted a split, because that way the teams would have created a better championship, I think this is not bad either. Bernie's turn is next. But he would have to face pressure from CVC not just the teams. Ousting him would be extremely difficult. Perhaps he'll die by 2012, who knows.