FOTA starts a breakaway series

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Re: FOTA starts a breakaway series


andartop wrote:For all their millions' worth of smartass lawyers, couldn't FOTA legally relieve Max off his duties due to his psychological condition?
I believe "Need to be dominated" is a fetish, not a psychological condition.

Unless you mean "up the creek without a paddle", but that's more a reflection of his current predicament.

Perhaps you're referring to "Old and out of touch" - can't fix that, time is against everyone, my friend.

Maybe you're referring to his problem with visiting alternate realities where things he believes to be true really are. Actually, yes, that is a psychological condition. They should go after him on that one.

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Re: FOTA starts a breakaway series


andartop wrote:For all their millions' worth of smartass lawyers, couldn't FOTA legally relieve Max off his duties due to his psychological condition?
The FIA has more of an interest in removing Max. FOTA is through with him. They have moved on. That bridge in burned and they know that they have immense support from the fans. Full speed ahead with the new series.

BTW today's letter from Max calls them "dissidents". Max thinks this is softer than "rebels" and it is but it is an ironic choice of words because only tyrannical regimes have dissidents as responsive governments allow participation.
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Re: FOTA starts a breakaway series


I believe tomorrow is the day when FOTA pulls the trigger and fully commit themselves to their own series. It all depends on the WMSC meeting outcome. For both sides, there's no going back after tomorrow.
Racing should be decided on the track, not the court room.

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Re: FOTA starts a breakaway series


I do not expect a great deal from the meeting tomorrow. Max Mosley was in control of the WMSC for a long time and I do not see a reason for that to change unless the FIA gives itself a new leadership. That process requires three to four months of time which would put us to the FIA election day anyway. So one should not expect a change before October unless it is a result of a negotiated settlement.

From the noises we hear a negotiated settlement isn't on the cards and the reasons are probably that CVC simply cannot afford to loose the kind of money the FOTA wants them to give away and to loose the power of maximising return from race fees. FOTA effectively demands a veto right over the race calendar which would put a huge dent into Bernie's negotiation power over prices. Bernie has no notion of stopping to manage F1. He will not give up on those two points and so they become show stoppers for a unified series.

FOTA is using the same tactics as FIA/FOM. I have seen quotes from Bernie also calling FOTA loonies but he does not attract any fire from FOTA for it. It seems to indicate that FOTA are indeed negotiating with him. As long as negotiations are ongoing it would not help the FIA/FOM side to give anything away like a stand down of Mosley.

I see time as an important factor to FOTA's BATNA (best alternative to negotiated agreement). The closer they come to the actual existence of two series the more material damage they will do to themselves. With 9 months to go until the first race they can probably get a lot more concessions or harvest opportunities from the weaknesses of their opponents.
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Re: FOTA starts a breakaway series


IF it is true that FOTA is talking to IMG, then they have the right hammer for the job at hand. IMG has enormous muscle, money, and media connections. And, less important, manages Danica Patrick
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Re: FOTA starts a breakaway series


DaveKillens wrote:I believe tomorrow is the day when FOTA pulls the trigger and fully commit themselves to their own series. It all depends on the WMSC meeting outcome. For both sides, there's no going back after tomorrow.
The FIA are irredeemably corrupt. Any organization that could be structured so that the AAA (American club), the German clubs as well as clubs that constitute 85+% of its members be out voted by the clubs representing 15% of total "membership" in Mosley's trial last year because the ten member club from Bongo-bongo has the same vote as the clubs from Germany, Japan or the US... well then what is there to save? Their crooked appeals courts? Their great stewards which issue rulings before viewing the video and audio? The wise judges that call a TMD a movable aero device? Perhaps you would want to retain the system that purposefully delays ruling on diffusers and other things until after eight weeks and two races. Oh wait, I know, their stewards appeals court that made the famous Spa '08 ruling should be retained.

Just get rid of it all. It will soon collapse anyway. They have f*cked up WRC as well and saloon cars with BMW all in a huff about inequitable favors for turbo cars. And then there is the LMP1 Audi/Peugeot case that started before Sebring and still hasn't had their appeal heard yet.

Why are you so sentimental about retaining all this? Who cares what happens tomorrow? Not me.
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Re: FOTA starts a breakaway series


gcdugas wrote:The FIA are irredeemably corrupt. Any organization that could be structured so that the AAA (American club), the German clubs as well as clubs that constitute 85+% of its members be out voted by the clubs representing 15% of total "membership" in Mosley's trial last year because the ten member club from Bongo-bongo has the same vote as the clubs from Germany, Japan or the US... well then what is there to save? Their crooked appeals courts? Their great stewards which issue rulings before viewing the video and audio? The wise judges that call a TMD a movable aero device? Perhaps you would want to retain the system that purposefully delays ruling on diffusers and other things until after eight weeks and two races. Oh wait, I know, their stewards appeals court that made the famous Spa '08 ruling should be retained.

Just get rid of it all. It will soon collapse anyway. They have f*cked up WRC as well and saloon cars with BMW all in a huff about inequitable favors for turbo cars. And then there is the LMP1 Audi/Peugeot case that started before Sebring and still hasn't had their appeal heard yet.

Why are you so sentimental about retaining all this? Who cares what happens tomorrow? Not me.
I'm with you on pretty much all topics GCDugas. The FIA needs to be revolutionized. It's international for God's sake, yet, as you mention, the biggest auto clubs are not even represented.

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Re: FOTA starts a breakaway series


gcdugas wrote:
DaveKillens wrote:I believe tomorrow is the day when FOTA pulls the trigger and fully commit themselves to their own series. It all depends on the WMSC meeting outcome. For both sides, there's no going back after tomorrow.
....Why are you so sentimental about retaining all this? Who cares what happens tomorrow? Not me.
Most people who would like to see this problem resolved by negotiations are motivated by the strength of a single championship with uninterupted history. A reformed F1 world championship with continuity and resolution of all issues would obviously be a desirable outcome. It is a pitty that financial circumstances and the leading figures egos seem to prevent this.

I agree with DK that the most likely outcome will be FOTA putting flesh on the skeletton of the break away series.
Formula One's fundamental ethos is about success coming to those with the most ingenious engineering and best .............................. organization, not to those with the biggest budget. (Dave Richards)

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Re: FOTA starts a breakaway series


more rumours on the possible FOTA calendar: ... 71233.html
(it says it comes from the guardian, but I didn't find it there, didn't search too hard either)

they seem to have added some stuff to the one previously posted here

7 marzo Buenos Aires (last race 1998)
21 marzo México (1992)
11 abril Jerez (1997)
25 abril Portimao (first)
2 mayo Imola (2006)
23 mayo Montecarlo
6 junio Montreal (2008)
13 junio Indianápolis (2007)
11 julio Silverstone
25 julio Magny-Cours (2008)
15 agosto Laustizring, Alemania (first)
29 agosto Helsinki (first)
12 septiembre Monza
26 septiembre Abu Dhabi
10 octubre Singapur
24 octubre Suzuka (2006)
7 noviembre Adelaida (1995) or Surfers'Paradise (first)

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Re: FOTA starts a breakaway series


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Re: FOTA starts a breakaway series


The problem with this (vote) is you can log into it from many ports and vote multiple times - typical Ferrari - Im just asking the question dont lambast me Ive just voted 4 times :shock:
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Re: FOTA starts a breakaway series


Chaparral wrote:
The problem with this (vote) is you can log into it from many ports and vote multiple times - typical Ferrari - Im just asking the question dont lambast me Ive just voted 4 times :shock:
Considering their age, i'd say Spanky and the Evil Dwarf are unlikely to know how to game an internet survey. :mrgreen:
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Re: FOTA starts a breakaway series


Looks like the FOTA champonship is off for now.. ... 116756.stm

And Mad Max will step down in Oct! =D> =D> =D>
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Re: FOTA starts a breakaway series


What a joke, all a bunch of benders. What's FOTA's credibilty now, and F1's. You can have it. Enjoy
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Re: FOTA starts a breakaway series


All our hope and excitement and anticipation. Now the anticlimax.

F1 dis-service will now resume.

We all know the value of Max's promise to step down.

We all know Bernie is the real power and that he is the incarnation of evil greed.

Until we hear otherwise, Max and Bernie win. FOTA is exposed as all talk and bluff.

Unless there is more to be revealed. . .
Enzo Ferrari was a great man. But he was not a good man. -- Phil Hill