jamsbong wrote:It is not all about speed. If you want speed, get better aero. The engine is the soul of the car and the beautiful noise that it makes at 20k is what attracts fans and the glowing red exhaust is just amazing engineering stuff.
So maybe the teams should put external speakers onto the cars spewing out tapes of the engines going 20k rpm... honestly is it really that big a deal?... 18K, 20K not a big difference
ISLAMATRON wrote:flynfrog wrote:at least we can see the wings and hear the motors.
Would you like a crayon to color them with too?
This is what I mean by useless personal attacks that achieve absolutely nothing.
It was a joke, even he got it...
Do I sense hate here?
OK, ISLAM, you've made your point about how much you hate Ferrari. We all get that now. So there is not need to link every possible bad thing to Ferrari. You're stirring up heaps of conspiracy. As far as I can see Ferrari is here to stay. If you don't like it. Then go watch something else. Just grow up!
It is not hate, it just a matter of recognizing historical precedence, it is often said that history repeats itself, I just happen to think we were just witness to that... please review the link I provided. I actually used to like Ferrari, but the arrogance and one sided view of many of the Tifosi have turned me off to them. Plus Luca is an ass, on the same level of Max so that doesnt help either.