megz wrote:Did I misinterpret this, and is that why no one has pounced on this yet... When did Kimi get contracted to Red Bull

yes you misinterpreted it, my point was that Red bull spends alot of money even though they dont spend nearly a much money on their drivers as Ferrari does... someone had said that they were dominant this year without spending alot of money and my point disproves that... 200 mil Euros is alot for almost any F1 team... Ferrari is estimated to spend what? about 500 mil US? not to far from 200 mil Euros
DaveKillens wrote:MY wife is a psychologist. I asked her last night to go over this thread. Her professional opinion is pretty darn good, and she said two things. Bad behavior, and attention-seeking. After awhile people learn to tune out this kind of distraction, and that life is better if they ignore such a negative thing. Besides, my uncle once said to me "don't get into a pissing contest with a skunk."
Tell your wife to come join us in the real world, If she read the posts with some type of technical & historical background maybe she could understand, rather than trying to look into what the person on the other side of a computer terminal is "feeling" or acting upon... she states nothing but conjecture... the entire field of psychology is a farcical one.
And yes we see that FOTA was not fighting for "the DNA of F1" or for "technical innovation" at all, but were indeed fighting for Ferrari's(& Toyota's) "right" to outspend everyone else... As you correctly pointed out Ferrari dominated when the rules remained relatively stable, and struggled when they were drastically changed... that is a outcome of the financial dominance that they have, while maybe not having the best thinkers(as evident by their constant mistakes during races), If the rules remain stable over some time they will eventually throw enough money, and have built up enough resources over the years that they can rise to the top, not so much thru innovation, but moreso thru more iterations of minor improvements such as their outrageously expensive wheel nuts.