FIA and FOTA reach agreement, no parallel series

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Re: FIA and FOTA reach agreement, no parallel series


Just for a giggle I googled "alpha male" amd came up with this tidbit.
In work settings, the alpha male may be a natural leader, exuding confidence. But he also may be contentious, demanding and difficult to work with. This is thought to be in part due to the alpha male attempting to retain his stature, however unconsciously, as alpha. Being the top salesperson, the quickest worker, the most aggressive boss may contribute to remaining at the top, and the alpha male has a tendency to respond aggressively to any attempts by others to outshine him.

This is true in non-human settings too. The alpha male is continually being tested to see if he remains dominant and may need to stage pitched fights with upcoming males in a group to remain “top dog.” In the human setting, the alpha male usually doesn’t fight physically, but instead acts with language, brusque or dismissive behavior, or with other tactics to remain at the top.

Though leaders in a company are excellent to have, alpha male characteristics in the workplace may not always be seen as positive. Aggression and disregard for others are not necessarily inspiring. Some people better lead by being “beta” and having good communication skills, sensitivity toward others, and downplaying their strengths so they can showcase the strengths of others.

In adult social settings, alpha males again may be judged not so much by aggression, but by their ability to get the most attractive women as mates. This is the primary reason for alpha behavior in other animals.

The alpha male in adult society is likely to be confident, attractive, and wealthy. Questions remain as to whether the alpha male can retain mates, since relationships often require ability to compromise, to discuss feelings and to be sensitive. Some alpha males have these characteristics typically thought of as beta, but many of them lack such traits. You can certainly point to prominent alpha males in our society who seem to have poor track records with women, either involving themselves in a succession of failed relationships or marrying one woman after another, with no marriage lasting for very long.
Racing should be decided on the track, not the court room.

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Re: no more split


megz wrote:Did I misinterpret this, and is that why no one has pounced on this yet... When did Kimi get contracted to Red Bull 8)
yes you misinterpreted it, my point was that Red bull spends alot of money even though they dont spend nearly a much money on their drivers as Ferrari does... someone had said that they were dominant this year without spending alot of money and my point disproves that... 200 mil Euros is alot for almost any F1 team... Ferrari is estimated to spend what? about 500 mil US? not to far from 200 mil Euros
DaveKillens wrote:MY wife is a psychologist. I asked her last night to go over this thread. Her professional opinion is pretty darn good, and she said two things. Bad behavior, and attention-seeking. After awhile people learn to tune out this kind of distraction, and that life is better if they ignore such a negative thing. Besides, my uncle once said to me "don't get into a pissing contest with a skunk."
Tell your wife to come join us in the real world, If she read the posts with some type of technical & historical background maybe she could understand, rather than trying to look into what the person on the other side of a computer terminal is "feeling" or acting upon... she states nothing but conjecture... the entire field of psychology is a farcical one.

And yes we see that FOTA was not fighting for "the DNA of F1" or for "technical innovation" at all, but were indeed fighting for Ferrari's(& Toyota's) "right" to outspend everyone else... As you correctly pointed out Ferrari dominated when the rules remained relatively stable, and struggled when they were drastically changed... that is a outcome of the financial dominance that they have, while maybe not having the best thinkers(as evident by their constant mistakes during races), If the rules remain stable over some time they will eventually throw enough money, and have built up enough resources over the years that they can rise to the top, not so much thru innovation, but moreso thru more iterations of minor improvements such as their outrageously expensive wheel nuts.

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dave kumar
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Re: FIA and FOTA reach agreement, no parallel series


ISLAMATRON wrote:And yes we see that FOTA was not fighting for "the DNA of F1" or for "technical innovation" at all, but were indeed fighting for Ferrari's(& Toyota's) "right" to outspend everyone else...
God I'm confused by all these announcements. I thought that FOTA and the FIA had agreed to have a budget cap but not to impose a 40M cap next year which FOTA argued would cause them to layoff a large part of their staff.
Formerly known as senna-toleman

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Re: FIA and FOTA reach agreement, no parallel series


senna-toleman wrote:
ISLAMATRON wrote:And yes we see that FOTA was not fighting for "the DNA of F1" or for "technical innovation" at all, but were indeed fighting for Ferrari's(& Toyota's) "right" to outspend everyone else...
God I'm confused by all these announcements. I thought that FOTA and the FIA had agreed to have a budget cap but not to impose a 40M cap next year which FOTA argued would cause them to layoff a large part of their staff.
no type of budget cap was in any way part of the FOTA/FIA agreement, just an "agreement" to lower operating costs, the same type of "agreement" that has an independent RBR spending 200 mil Euros, and an almost bankrupt STR spending 100 mil Euros to bring up the rear of the field ... 0708.shtml

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Re: FIA and FOTA reach agreement, no parallel series


Can anyone point exact quotes that Max is so furious about?

Where Michel Boeri's name has appeared? I only read of that in pitpass as a speculation.

Joined: 22 Oct 2007, 10:14

Re: FIA and FOTA reach agreement, no parallel series


John Howett: I believe yesterday the confirmation was given to the World Motorsport Council on what was agreed, and they endorsed entirely that. So from our side there should be no ambiguity at all. Secondly, the federation is an independent body with its own constitution, and it will be their business who they elect as the future successor to their president. From the teams point of view, we would like to see somebody who actually is independent, if you like, perhaps independent from any of us currently or historically. The federation covers much more than just motorsport, it is in fact involved in worldwide touring and I think also from the position of manufacturers they would wish to have somebody that was also able to represent appropriately the requirements of worldwide motorists, as well as purely focusing on sport.
"The question of FIA president is a matter exclusively for you, the member clubs of the FIA, and most definitely not for the vehicle manufacturers who make up Fota," writes Mosley, according to the Guardian. "To have an FIA president under the influence of the vehicle manufacturers would put at jeopardy all the excellent work our organisation and your clubs do in promoting better safety and environmental outcomes in the vehicle fleet.

"If nothing else, this attempt to tell FIA members who they should or should not elect demonstrates precisely why the FIA needs a strong president who is experienced and knowledgeable about motor sport, in particular Formula One, as well as general motoring interests. We must continue to defend the independence of the FIA, even if this leads to difficulties in the sport."
Mental case?

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Re: no more split


Tell your wife to come join us in the real world, If she read the posts with some type of technical & historical background maybe she could understand, rather than trying to look into what the person on the other side of a computer terminal is "feeling" or acting upon... she states nothing but conjecture... the entire field of psychology is a farcical one.

So you believe that psychopathology (mental illnesses), neuroscience, treatment for mental disorders and brain damage is all farcical? All of those things have their roots in psychology and being a psychology student I find your view rather arrogant. Freudian psychoanalysis I can agree was farcical but the vast majority of psychological research in this day and age is heavily based upon the scientific method and observations using objective measures where possible.

Sorry to drag things further off topic.

BACK on topic, it will be interesting how things further develop. Hopefully Max will go down and stay down with any dignity he may have left. From a racing perspective I just want to know what will happen with the Cosworth units and where the new teams stand in this all.

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Re: FIA and FOTA reach agreement, no parallel series


timbo wrote:Can anyone point exact quotes that Max is so furious about?

Where Michel Boeri's name has appeared? I only read of that in pitpass as a speculation.
Apparently the first thing Montezemolo said to Autosport was "There is no room for a dictator in Formula1." If true this is the kind of bragging that isn't helpfull in a situation where egos have done damage. ... -on-attack

Check the Video box in the above link. Perhaps it was said as a background thing because it is not repeated when Montezemolo talk on camera and microfone. But Mosley obviously took it as an attack on himself and the FIA. ... l?ITO=1490

I hope this all will settle and that people will qickly start adressing the real issues that are still there like:

- meaniningfull race venues
- affordable ticket prices
- transparent rule making (also to the public and not only to manufacturers)
- stop outspending and driving smaller teams bust
- get new teams to fill the grid instead of third cars
- have engines independant of FOTA to avoid blackmail of privat teams
- improve overtaking by reducing turbulence to following cars
- make fuel efficiency a performance discriminator
Formula One's fundamental ethos is about success coming to those with the most ingenious engineering and best .............................. organization, not to those with the biggest budget. (Dave Richards)