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The rules for F1 have been very stable for 4 or so years now. Does that stability encourage or discourage competition? I've read in the past that sometime a rule change could really shift the whole field as one or more teams got it right and others went backwards. Could this rules stability simply be re-enforcing the status quo and escalating the cost war?
"I'll bring us through this. As always. I'll carry you - kicking and screaming - and in the end you'll thank me. "
i don't know that the stability is escalating the costs - if the rules always change, there will be increased costs as well, as teams try to take advantage of them to the utmost and spend a lot of money on development, among other things
I think rule stability can provide closer racing but its consequence is that after a few years all the cars look and are built the same way... This is bad because everytime there is a major rule change,everyone is free to follow their own way ,not concerning with what others have done before, boosting creativity and making the sport go forward.
its a tough call but there needs to be rule changes for there to be competition and new challenges in F1. this isn't soccer. Part of the sport is the technical skill needed to maximize your car within the rules, and finding loopholes to gain advantage over your competitors.
I am of the opinion that long periods of rules stability favor the rich teams, and actually encourage more spending. As mentioned, after a few years all the cars reach similar dimensions and features. So at that time, refinement becomes the name of the game. Refinement is expensive, just look at how much wind tunnel time has been wasted on refining flip-ups, any and all kinds of aero devices.
And in a short while, the cost of improving just 1% becomes astronomical.
Racing should be decided on the track, not the court room.
uzael wrote:The rules for F1 have been very stable for 4 or so years now. Does that stability encourage or discourage competition? I've read in the past that sometime a rule change could really shift the whole field as one or more teams got it right and others went backwards. Could this rules stability simply be re-enforcing the status quo and escalating the cost war?
Sorry, did you just say we've had 4 years of rule stability in F1?
We've had one year of massive shake up and are about to have another (refueling ban).
Try going back a couple of decades where some teams didn't even update their cars from year to year.
Rule changes dont necessarily change anything - the old catch cry is give us this and that rules that ":give us overtaking" it doesnt happen and has never done so and will never do so - your wasting your time with rule change wishes and if you look at history you will see that.
The music business is a cruel and shallow money trench, a long plastic hallway where thieves and pimps run free and good men die like dogs - there's also the negative side' - Hunter S Thompson