Kimi Raikonenn - What A Man

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Re: Kimi Raikonenn - What A Man


At least he's not a suck up like good-old-slow-pathetic-crying-camera turn to dad when overtaking lewis

its all media that shape people's opinions, which will get believed as facts

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Re: Kimi Raikonenn - What A Man


ISLAMATRON wrote:No helmet? thats gotta be outta contract! No matter he already seemed to have brain damage anyway.

He's like the rain man of drivers.... a drunk rain man actually.
You'd be foolish to think he was racing without a helmet with scrutineering and safety protocols these days.

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Re: Kimi Raikonenn - What A Man


Hmmm... I am also a diehard fan of Kimi.. I would like to tell one thing.. If you consider all the unfortunate incidents in his career, any normal driver would go insane.. but his guy is capable of putting all that back is no small thing..

Also i guess he likes to have a very private peaceful life so maybe thats the reason he is not media friendly..

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Re: Kimi Raikonenn - What A Man


ISLAMATRON wrote:He's like the rain man of drivers.... a drunk rain man actually.
Well done! After ridiculing physical appearance ("big nose" Kubica), you 're up against mental illness and alcoholism..
What's next? Making fun of homosexuals, disabled or the elderly?
The most merciful thing in the world, I think, is the inability of the human mind to correlate all its contents. H.P.Lovecraft

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Re: Kimi Raikonenn - What A Man


I love Kimi both on track and off track.

I understand he's not to everyone's tastes but he has his own personality at the race track and I admire his blunt way of just turning up to drive. It's what he loves doing, that's all he would want.

Apparently he was very quick given his inexperience in WRC yesterday, I don't follow WRC much but the guy has genuine driving talent, it wouldn't surprise me to see him doing better and better as his F1 career slows.

And yes I agree with one of the posters above, he did actually look remarkably happy when he was doing some interviews, he really sounded like he was enjoying it. Which is nice to see...

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Re: Kimi Raikonenn - What A Man


Kimi's "Who gives a sh*t?" attitude was cool when he was winning. But he has the same attitude when he's not winning, and then it's not cool.

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Re: Kimi Raikonenn - What A Man


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Re: Kimi Raikonenn - What A Man


andartop wrote:
ISLAMATRON wrote:He's like the rain man of drivers.... a drunk rain man actually.
Well done! After ridiculing physical appearance ("big nose" Kubica), you 're up against mental illness and alcoholism..
What's next? Making fun of homosexuals, disabled or the elderly?
Took care of those in the MS thread

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Re: Kimi Raikonenn - What A Man


megz wrote:
ISLAMATRON wrote:No helmet? thats gotta be outta contract! No matter he already seemed to have brain damage anyway.

He's like the rain man of drivers.... a drunk rain man actually.
You'd be foolish to think he was racing without a helmet with scrutineering and safety protocols these days.
It just seems like he jumps straight out of the car with a Ferrari hat on, and I dont see his helmet when they show inside the car.

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Re: Kimi Raikonenn - What A Man


Yes... no evidence of any helmet. Maybe he took it off inside the car and left it there.

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Re: Kimi Raikonenn - What A Man


jonathan189 wrote:Yes... no evidence of any helmet. Maybe he took it off inside the car and left it there.
Kimi's head IS a helmet...

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Re: Kimi Raikonenn - What A Man


looking at the video again, there was definitely a cut from showing the accident to when they show him coming out of the car, plus the co-driver had no helmet either.

Kimi's jacket looks like he just came from the thriller video.

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Re: Kimi Raikonenn - What A Man


Conceptual wrote:When I first started watching F1 (2004), Kimi was the guy that I ound myself pulling for. He seemed to be the only one that had any chance against MS, and his attitude was very clear. Ice cold.

I admire people that can be in that bright of a spotlight and not crack in the slightest.

F the media!
I'm not so sure about that anyway. What situation would you end up with if everyone answered to questions like him? They could as well cancel the press conferences at all.

I like Raikkonen as a driver, but only so far. The behaviour he displays towards the media is ridiculous and he should know better by now. I still don't understand why Ferrari accept it.

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Re: Kimi Raikonenn - What A Man


Tomba wrote:I still don't understand why Ferrari accept it.
Kimi Raikkonen is simply a great professional driver. What's not to like about a naturally quick driver who quietly goes about his work with no drama?

I think Raikkonen is refreshing in the age of corporate mouthpieces and brash youth.

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Re: Kimi Raikonenn - What A Man


ahh.. You boys can critique all you want bout Kimi's attitude but the fact is that he is naturally fast. He is an honest and fair race driver and he has the guts to go rallying despite people "reckons" that move is going backwards career wise.

I personally thinks that Kimi's moves to Rallying will bring up WRC to a new level and attract drivers like Vettel to challenge rally driving.

I love F1 especially the tech-stuff. On the other hand, I love rallying for their drivers because in rally, You can't memorised everything so is down to genuine skills to go fast.

Just look at Petter Solberg, he has got an old car which is lacks power but yet he gets it to the podium.