From what I saw Alonso during his fastest lap (2024 vs 2023) was braking sooner but he had a higher top speed (318 vs 316), which would suggest that they were in fact running "heavier" this year. Top speed might be due to the higher engine mode but I don't think so, we have to remember that they clearly worked on reducing drag this year and on the last straight before the last corner Alonso was going much slower this year (290 vs 298), and he was breaking sooner also.Mansell89 wrote: ↑26 Feb 2024, 09:58Traction on the Aston looked pretty good from the bits of testing I watched - S2 did look an obvious area where they lost time but I would be very surprised if that was as big a weakness come race day.
They looked a bit “heavy” on fuel I thought in the way the car was responding so I’m hopeful they may have a bit of performance to bring at the weekend. Obviously just a gut feel from watching and no data to prove it.
Not long now until we see where people are.
Don't think so. Seems set-up related to me. They were quite weak in S2 on Friday, but lost the most time on the first day in S3.
For me it does not make sense retiring in 2025 when a rules change lottery is right around the corner, possibly his last roll of the dice left for a world championship now that Max is confirmed to win both 2024 and 2025. Maybe he surprises, but I see no reason for him to retire next year.
I just don't see the point other than someone who enjoys driving and the circus. If he wants to win races and potentially a championship, he must go to RB for 2025.KimiRai wrote: ↑26 Feb 2024, 19:16For me it does not make sense retiring in 2025 when a rules change lottery is right around the corner, possibly his last roll of the dice left for a world championship now that Max is confirmed to win both 2024 and 2025. Maybe he surprises, but I see no reason for him to retire next year.
Only aim why he came back to FOne is to win another world championship. I dont think there is any other cause that makes him wake up every day. Most drivers basically if not all, but especially him. Now, which team is a difficult choice. You could argue even if RB has the best car, going against the Verstappen clique is not going to be favorable odds... who knows. But I dont think he is retiring for a while.AR3-GP wrote: ↑26 Feb 2024, 19:27I just don't see the point other than someone who enjoys driving and the circus. If he wants to win races and potentially a championship, he must go to RB for 2025.KimiRai wrote: ↑26 Feb 2024, 19:16For me it does not make sense retiring in 2025 when a rules change lottery is right around the corner, possibly his last roll of the dice left for a world championship now that Max is confirmed to win both 2024 and 2025. Maybe he surprises, but I see no reason for him to retire next year.
Alonso is just saying normal things out of respect. Wolff and Briatore were spotted together recently.
Mansell89 wrote: ↑26 Feb 2024, 22:50Agree, the jury is also currently out on Merc- they remind me a little of McLaren 2011/12- there’s still some talented people there and still some clever ideas, they just aren’t quite putting it all together into a winning formula. Aston with their new facilities coming, Dan Fallows continuing to grow into his role, and a works engine, they are in as good a position as any really.
Lewis Hamilton has walked away from it- can it really be that good there?
Anyway, hopefully we see a strong start from Aston at the weekend, I think they are being overlooked and underestimated.
Alonso would still be at Alpne if they had offered him a contract ...... Besides Ocon contact is expiring this year and He's a T-Wolff.AR3-GP wrote: ↑26 Feb 2024, 22:58Alonso is just saying normal things out of respect. Wolff and Briatore were spotted together recently.
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