Canada back? Spa skipping?

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Canada back? Spa skipping?


Seems like CAnada is almost certainly back, but Indy might be gone forever. ... 2843.shtml

And Spa might be an every other year affair.

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Re: Canada back? Spa skipping?


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Re: Canada back? Spa skipping?


I do not like the fact that Spa may not be a permanent fixture. This is one track I really like, and respect for it's history.
Bernie, gotta love the little imp. Obviously Bernie and the Canadian GP organizers are close to a deal, they are just a little apart on fixing the costs Bernie will collect. What better way to put pressure on the Canadian politicians than promising the event is almost locked up. Fans will demand it, and the politicians will likely have to make up the differences not by negotiation, but by conceding to the pressure created by Bernie.
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Re: Canada back? Spa skipping?


With all the respect DK, from my xperience, isn't it rather typical Canadian politicians folding to MrE's fiscal needs?
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Re: Canada back? Spa skipping?


BE does have a point with Spa & Nurbergring being only 60 miles apart. But I'd want SPA twice a year if we could, but once will do.

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Re: Canada back? Spa skipping?


ISLAMATRON wrote:BE does have a point with Spa & Nurbergring being only 60 miles apart. But I'd want SPA twice a year if we could, but once will do.
He may have a point about their proximity but I for one do not want to see Spa on a rotation.

It's probably the best race track in the world, the F1 season is cluttered with so many terrible ones, it needs to have Spa, IMO.

Would be seriously pissed off if Spa went on a rotation :x

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Re: Canada back? Spa skipping?


keep spa get rid off tracks like melbourne its so boring, barcalona is boring aswell

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Re: Canada back? Spa skipping?


xpensive wrote:With all the respect DK, from my xperience, isn't it rather typical Canadian politicians folding to MrE's fiscal needs?
Unfortunately, you are 100 % correct. :cry:
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Re: Canada back? Spa skipping?


If i were to have my way, id have a core of 8 golden tracks that will be on the caleneder each year NO MATTER WHAT, finance should NOT come into it. Bernie should make the money at the other venues.

The 8 golten tracks id have:

Spa Franckoshamps - BEL
Hockenhiemring - GER
Silverstone - GBR (Needs a new pit lane tho, but where the pits currently are)
Magney Cours - FRA (I know its the back of beyond, but should always be there, all they need is a new pit lane for the teams in reality)
Monza - ITA
Barcelona (Without Tilke weiner at the end) - SPA
Montreal - CAN
Melbourne - AUS

Those should be golden protected in the Concorde Aggreement. Monaco is also a given, but it should be the only track given "platinum" status because of what it means to F1.

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Re: Canada back? Spa skipping?


I think they should just add Canada and keep Spa because i'm going to be going insane in another week because i'm used to watching a race every weekend because i was into nascar first.

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Re: Canada back? Spa skipping?


What a f*cking --- idea!

Its too much about money than pure racing. All these crap tracks are replacing good ones every year, its not for the racing its for the money.

Bernie should look at the proposed calendar which was drawn up when the break away was coming - some good tracks on there.

- US grand prix has to be a must for major sponsors. Even if it is rotated between 5 circuits!!
- The new portugal track is amazing, can not believe its not added already!
- Silverstone, Monaco, Spa and Monza must stay ALWAYS
- If Australia must have one, change the circuit, Melbourne is so boring!!!

And if we are going to keep building new tracks instead of using existant ones - get a new designer!

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Re: Canada back? Spa skipping?


Now where are the FOTA big shots when these deals are made? We are getting Germany and Spa on rotation purely due to finacial demands of FOM. Neither the manufacturers nor the fans are being heard.

A German GP only every second year? Bernie you must be kidding!! Spa only every other year? Madness if you ask me! No US race still and Canada perhaps. This should be prevented by FIA and FOTA. Is everybody happy for this little tinpot dictator to screw us all the time?

Go away Bernie and retire so that someone else with a bit of sanity can replace you!!!
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Re: Canada back? Spa skipping?


ISLAMATRON wrote:BE does have a point with Spa & Nurbergring being only 60 miles apart. But I'd want SPA twice a year if we could, but once will do.
+1! BE knows Spa's everyone's favorite. This reminds me of when public transit in Philly threatened to cut the three most used bus lines because of budget concerns. Big empty threat to get attention and piss people off.

As an aside, does anyone know when tickets typically go on sale for Canada? Is it when they announce the calendar or later? I'm not missing it next year.
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Re: Canada back? Spa skipping?


DaveKillens wrote:
xpensive wrote:With all the respect DK, from my xperience, isn't it rather typical Canadian politicians folding to MrE's fiscal needs?
Unfortunately, you are 100 % correct. :cry:
the last time canadians "folded" it was because we banned tobacco advertising and had to payfor the difference. F1 is one of the last bastions for the evil death sticks.

Our govermeny understands the importance of the event, unlike say, the uk.
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Re: Canada back? Spa skipping?


adam2007 wrote:keep spa get rid off tracks like melbourne its so boring, barcalona is boring aswell
I agree, bring the Aussie GP back to Adelaide! [-o<
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