I quote Joe Saward:
I can also quote Reginaldo Leme, at Globo TV (brazilian channel):There were some cynics (there always are) who reckoned that the team's strategy was to have Nelson crash soon after Fernando had completed his stop and thus create a situation in which Fernando gained an advantage over the rest of the field. One can see this argument, but one likes to believe that no team would ever be so desperate as to have a driver throw his car at a wall. In all probability Piquet just screwed up - he has done that a lot this year. If not, he must have been offered something worth having because he needs to impress in the few remaining races as this has been a very poor season.
It will be interesting to see whether he gets a new contract for 2009.
September, 2008, http://grandprix.com/gpe/rr800.html
... and you have to think Felipe was winning that race until the crash and that he lost WDC to Hamilton by 1 point.Ele bateu de uma forma muito estranha. Recentemente, conversando com o Felipe Massa, ele me chamou a atenção disso. E o Felipe foi ao Briatore e disse: "Essa batida não está certa, aconteceu porque vocês quiseram". Outros pilotos levantaram esta hipótese na época e agora isso vem à tona por causa da investigação que a FIA está fazendo.
He crashed in a very strange way. I was talking recently with Felipe Massa, he called my attention to that. Then Felipe had gone to Briatore and said, 'This crash was not right, it happened because you wanted it to'. Other drivers raised the hypothesis at the time and now it seems reasonable because of the investigation FIA is doing
August, 2009
Which takes me to my last point: what about Glock crash in Brazil?